Reflection #1

What do you want your classmates to know about you? Consider sharing your goals as a college student, why you chose City Tech, what you hope to learn in your first semester at City Tech, or anything important to you.

Read other classmates’ posts and help welcome each other by writing a response.


  1. BegimaiT

    My name is Begimai Tookeeva, I am from Kyrgyzstan and I love cars and kind of car enthusiast, I love playing competitive volleyball and I am majoring in Computer systems, I am looking froward to hardworking and create a good community. In my first semester, I wanna get to know people, classes, clubs and more information on it.

    • Mathew

      Hey begimai, I’m Mathew and Im not really into cars but my favorite car is the 2020 dodge Challenger. I’m more of a sports guy, what’s your favorite sport?

      • Begimai

        Hey Mathew, I am more into JDM car, and nice to hear about your choice

  2. Mathew

    I want my classmates to know that I am a electrical engineer major. My goals as a college student is to graduate, and just overall do my best in all my classes. I chose City Tech because it had my major that I was interested in and my mom also went here. What I hope to learn in my first semester at City Tech is figuring out the school’s campus better and where certain resources are. Something I wished was for there to be fewer communication issues with my teachers and classes.

  3. good_o

    My name is Goodness Obasi. I am majoring in Radiology Technology/Medical Imaging. My goals as a college student are to earn a degree in my major and pursue a career in the field. I chose city tech because for its strong reputation for programs and its diverse community. In my first semester, I hope to learn more about my field, meet new people, and get involved in campus life.

  4. Aminata

    I want my classmates to know that I am the fourth girl in a family of 8 and I am majoring in nursing. I love playing any sport and just being active. In my first semester I hope to connect with my classmates and learn more about college in general. My goal as a college student are to graduate and make my dreams of becoming a nurse come true.

    • Ariana

      Hi Aminata, I hope to see you in the nursing program. Also what type of nursing are you interested in?

  5. Anthony

    A crayon scratched down to stubs. Endless designs fill the notebooks, fueled by an energy only a child could possess. Since boyhood, it has been my dream to become an inventor. I chose Mechanical Engineering at City Tech as a step toward that goal – to breathe life into those scribbles. However, now that I’m here, the change has been daunting, a new place to be, and even more people to meet. In my first semester, I hope to quell my anxieties and become more familiar with all that City Tech has to offer. This is me giving my all, so let’s start off on the right foot together.

  6. Tyler

    I am a goofy caring person who loves to see the joy in things, you’ll probably see me around with my drumsticks and drum pad in the halls while waiting for my class. I have been in a drumline for about a year now and have played a key role in my life. One of my goals is to provide for my future family, I have always dreamed about having kids and I want to be there to support them through the ups and downs. A reason why I chose City Tech is because it had the major that I wanted to pursue. One thing I want to learn in this semester is how to time mange with my classes and my outside responsibility.

    • Anthony

      It sounds like the drumline has been a significant part of your life so, it’s great to hear about your enthusiasm and passion for it! Balancing your classes with your outside responsibilities can definitely be challenging, but it sounds like you’re prepared to tackle it.

  7. Ariana

    I want my classmates to know that Im first generation college student and am majoring in nursing, I want to specialize in pediatric nursing. My goals as a college student is to graduate in four years and start my career as a pediatric nurse. I chose City Tech because of its amazing programs. I hope to learn about all the resources provided to the students of City Tech.

  8. Refat

    I am Shuaib Refat. Majoring in Data Science. My ultimate goal is to become a data scientist and work on AI and machine learning. I chose city tech as its facilities for my major is one of the best and I’m looking forward to explore them more. Also I like capturing moments in a frame to remember and cherish them forever. I hope I will be able to make enough memories to cherish with my friends and classmates here in city tech.

  9. David M

    My name is David Martinez and my major is electrical engineering. One of my goals is to improve my skills as an electrical engineer. I chose City Tech because it was one of the closest colleges to my home. I also like to skate whenever I can.

  10. Gabriel

    Hello my name is Gabe and I am a radiology major. My goal as a college student is to pass the radiology program and pass the test. In my first semester in City Tech I hope I get the highest grades I can and learn as much as I can. I chose city tech because my parents did the program here when they became radiologist

  11. Benjamin Giske

    What do you want your classmates to know about you? Consider sharing your goals as a college student, why you chose City Tech, what you hope to learn in your first semester at City Tech, or anything important to you.

    My name is Benjamin Giske and I’m majoring in computer engineering technology. A goal I have is to improve my logical thinking and my ability to produce high quality work. I chose City Tech because I think it has the proper facilities for me to do my best. I hope to learn how to complete an entire circuit by myself by the end of the marking period.

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