Charlotte Deaver | Fall 2021 | M/W 2pm-3:40

Discussion Question: Thinking about Genres

  • What genres do you enjoy when you read, listen to music, watch movies, etc. Make a short list.
  • Choose one of your favorite genres and write a paragraph discussing the purpose, audience, tone, and style of that genre. Also, explain why you enjoy this genre.


  1. Andrew Dumas

    Genres I enjoy:

    Suspense and thriller media, regardless of what form it takes, usually aims to bring the feeling of suspense and thrill to the reader. The audience therefore must be looking for that kind of story, searching for solutions in a helpless situation. Some of my favorite reads from the genre are from Stephen King, and his work really sets the standard for this genre. There is usually a dark tone over the story, and the authors paint an atmosphere that benefits the creation of that tone. The usual style of the stories told go about putting the protagonists into situations where they are helpless and seem to have no power over their predicament. This is what intrigues me about this genre, putting a sense of anxiety over what could possibly happen in this place where nothing the protagonist does can get rid of the real problem and then witnessing all the pieces fall into place for better or for worse.

    • Charlotte Deaver

      Your grasp of the thriller genre is clear and concise, emphasizing the suspense that problems produce for the protagonists and, therefore—especially—the audience.

  2. Janet

    Action and Adventure

    I enjoy watching Horror movies because it keeps me on my toes. Most times I do not know what is going to happen next and I love having that feeling. I believe that the purpose of horror movies is to make people feel thrilled and fearful. It gives people an unusual context they usually would not see on a daily basis. It’s purpose is to show people gruesome or scary things which allows people to have positive and negative emotions throughout the movie. And just as I stay suspenseful throughout the movie many others enjoy the same feeling. The audience are usually people who enjoy creepy things like death, witches, ghosts, monsters, and killers. There are people who actually like those types of things shown in the movies and there are others who force themselves to watch it to show others/themselves they are brave enough to see such gruesome things. As for age group it usually is for older teens/adults as children might be afraid and have nightmares after watching them. The tone is suspenseful and scary. It gives a tone that might give someone chills, make them cover their eyes, have nightmares, and even turn off the movie. Horror movies are creepy in the sense that people do not know what happens next and see scary things like killings.

    • Charlotte Deaver

      These are detailed responses to the questions about genre and you’re not alone in your interest in horror movies. I wonder, what do you think separates the horror genre from “suspense” or “thriller”? Are there features of horror that are *not* included in thriller, or vice versa?

  3. Vincent C.

    The genres that I enjoy reading:
    Graphic Novels

    My favorite genre has got to be Action/Adventure because though this form of media it takes you into a perspective of someone else’s life and dives more into the crazy things that you, yourself aren’t willing to do yourself if you were in their situation. It puts you into a crazy perspective that allows the audience to have a temporary form of escapism from the real world. Making this genre really entertaining, putting yourself in another character in another world, or even the same world but a different reality from ours. Like what if historical events in the past had a different outcome and changed the events after it. It could create this new world different from the audiences, whether it is dystopian or a utopia it creates this perspective that hooks in the audience of this genre. The tone of a story in the action/adventure genre is based on it’s setting, which is determined by its author though events that happen to the characters themselves or events that happen around them in their world. I really enjoy this genre itself because there are a lot of media to choose from, each author bringing their own perspective of their world created through immersing us with words and details in the text.

    • Charlotte Deaver

      I like that you identify/relate to the experiences of the action/adventure protagonists. The action genre combine really well with the other genres you mention, too, like fantasy, utopian/dystopian, etc.

  4. Vivian U.

    Genres I enjoy: Romance, Suspense, Comedy, Action

    Out of all of these Genres, my favorite would have to be Romance. In romance you’d find the main characters’ passionate, emotional, and affectionate romantic engagement, as well as the path that their love takes them through dating, romance, and marriage. Romance movies also sometimes feature hardships like illness, infidelity, tragedy, or other obstacles for the love interests to overcome. To me, that’s the best thing I could ask for! The audience seems to be pointed at hopeless romantics like me, or for people who might’ve never experienced it before, but find it intriguing to watch it from as screen–Again, this is me. Growing up I’d always find myself writing fanfiction and it’s always with the idea of ‘What could be’. For me, Romance movies give a certain butterfly feeling to the stomach, and it can also provide helpful advice for a matter of if you’d ever find yourself in such situation. A lot of may be over exaggerated or may have you wondering what you would do if you were in the characters shoes. All of this contributes to my love for the romance genre.

    • Charlotte Deaver

      I like how detailed, descriptive, and specific your response is. You explain really clearly the appeal of the genre of romance movies and writing!

      You may be interested to know more about the literary history (in the West, at least!) of the “Romance” literary genre, since it’s a little different than we understand the romance genre today. The term “romance” emerged out of Medieval France and used to be associated with chivalric knights and timeless kingdoms and such:

  5. KImberly Allen

    Genres That i enjoy :
    I love watching Sci-Fi movies because it’s very thrilling since allows them to be in imaginative worlds .Science fiction inspires me and allow me to think creative.i love watching movies about immortals and the future, how we communicate and interact with one another. science fiction stories can blow your mind and take you to different worlds. It allows me to get a reflective perspective on the future and escape reality for a little bit.

  6. jadenBoateng

    Genres i enjoy are science fiction and mystery. This is because my wonders always build up about certain things and i am able to apply it to real life. Since i was a child i have always enjoyed science fiction.

  7. Amana Begum

    The genre’s that I enjoy the most are:
    Suspense/ Thriller

    I enjoy suspense/ thriller the most out of all my genres because it has always done its job in keeping me interested in continuing to read or watch something. It can be scary, mysterious, drama-like. It does not matter, I love how this genre keeps its audience always questioning what, who, why, how, where something happens. I love how much it engages with the audience by causing realistic events that the audience might relate to the characters by. The thriller genre leaves mystery behind it keeping the tone worried for the audience in a way they start worrying for their favorite character. Thriller also keeps the audience curious wondering what might happen next? The purpose of a thriller is to keep the tone mysterious and curious for the audience to enjoy a film or movie.

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