Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #4 (8/1)

Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition to college, yet eventually they become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong. Share your own story of preparing to be a college student. *

This reflection is inspired by the “Our Stories” project.


  1. Laurel Bay

    CUNY encouraged me gently, without applying any pressure. They sent me emails outlining the next steps, and even though I hadn’t initially considered applying so soon, their messages paved the way for me to get here.

    • Samiya S.

      Oh yeah I agree with Laurel. The amount of emails I’ve recieved were very helpful in terms of opportunities and other good resources. If I didn’t check my email I wouldn’t find this workshop

    • Kasim Anderson (Kai)

      CUNY had been really good with staying on top of encouraging emails. They help every step of the way to make the process seem easy and comfortable.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s great how CUNY’s emails and gentle encouragement helped you get here. Their clear steps really made a difference. Keep up the good work, and feel free to reach out if you need any help!

    • Nilkiaris Arjona (Kiki)

      CUNY is very underrated, pretty much guides you to the right steps and i find it very helpful

  2. Ricky Varela

    The workshop has helped me get comfortable with how college will be and how to communicate with people if I need help. I am not as worried about my transition to college as I used to be.

    • Samiya S.

      Same, I have a better idea of what to expect from my classes and I also know which resources to go to when needed

    • Kasim Anderson (Kai)

      I actually felt more inclined to ask for help after this workshop. I also feel like I won’t be confused when I start to attend classes.

    • Talisha Rahman

      I’m glad the workshop made you feel more comfortable about college and asking for help. It sounds like you’re well-prepared for this transition. Keep up the good work and ask for help whenever you need it!

    • Genesis Garcia

      I definitely agree with you. They have a lot of people who offer help for any situation.

    • Nilkiaris Arjona (Kiki)

      same here, i feel like i can reach out more to our professors and the staff. i’ve felt very welcomed and surrounded by positive energy

    • Anchita

      yeah, I think I already a sort of student here, however the fall semester still scares me, that’ why I also say that workshop really helped me, not I atleast know a few people and not going to walk alone 🙂

    • Anchita

      yeah, I think I am already a sort of student here, however, the fall semester still scares me, that’s why I also say that workshop helped me, not I at least know a few people and not going to walk alone 🙂

  3. Andre

    The transition from high school to college was always something I used to worry about. That is why I looked forward to involving myself in different school activities outside of classes to help me adjust quicker to the environment.

    • Samiya S.

      Super factual, I’ve been looking forward to find research opportunities and other things like that to immerse myself in besides classes

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s awesome that you’re excited to join school activities to help with your transition. Being involved can make a big difference. Keep up the good work and enjoy your new experiences!

    • Anchita

      Yeah, I think people are very honest when they that clubs and joining social work will probably be the best way to make friends and also improve grades in general.

  4. Samiya S.

    I personally found the workshop to be helpful, by actively engaging with what City Tech has to offer familiarizes me, making me more comfortable with the school itself. I like reaching out to incoming freshmen so we can be friends and I’m very excited to join clubs and other extra curriculars

    • Kasim Anderson (Kai)

      I actually will be following this line of thought myself. Reaching out and making friends with other freshmen in college can make the semesters easy to deal with.

    • Talisha Rahman

      I’m so glad that the workshop helped you feel more comfortable with City Tech. Reaching out to other freshmen and joining clubs is a great idea. Keep up the good work and keep making connections!

    • Nilkiaris Arjona (Kiki)

      i feel the same way, now that i know more about city tech i can help others and build more connections because of the information we were given and i feel a little excited to join this semester or fall

    • Andre

      Me too I feel like doing CT101 has made me much more confident going in to the semester and made me look forward to involving myself in the schooll

    • Krittika

      Willingly bringing my hands forward to join clubs and be friends with you.

  5. Kasim Anderson (Kai)

    I found this workshop to be really impactful in helping me feel less nervous in starting college. With all the information I have been offered now I feel more comfortable and familiar with City Tech. I got to ask questions that I thought was “too dumb” to ask in an environment that didn’t make me feel less intelligent. Before I registered for college I had doubts due to me not going immediately after high school and being unsure what career I really wanted to pursue for my future. But as I became more sure of what I wanted to do and in addition of city tech staying ongoing of emails and questions about my overall college roadmap I decided to fully commit. The completion of this workshop made me realize that I can be myself and don’t be afraid to speak and ask for help. I’m very excited to make new connections and involve myself in activities this year.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s wonderful to hear how the workshop helped you feel less nervous and more confident. Overcoming doubts and committing to your path is very impressive. Keep up the good work, and I’m excited to see you succeed and make new friends at City Tech!

    • Genesis Garcia

      I was also in your place once and I feel the same, but this workshop changed a lot of things and I got more information and became familiar with everything, so I totally agree with you.

    • Samiya S.

      I honestly relate to this a ton, I hated asking questions in highschool because I didn’t want to seem unintelligent but honestly I’m able to move past that ++ This school has a great environment from what I see

    • Alexis Cordoba

      Same, the environment was very welcoming and at ease. I feel like I have a much better advantage as newer students are coming into the school. I almost feel like I have been here for a long time. Sometimes I thought that the emails City Tech sent me were so annoying, but now I see how helpful they are and why they are trying to encourage us to stay alert and be prepared.

  6. Genesis Garcia

    This workshop has helped me a lot in everything, including answering my questions based on different topics and has prepared me for this fall semester. Furthermore, this experience has shown me that joining these types of programs, workshops, etc are not that boring and sometimes you just have to try.

    • Talisha Rahman

      I’m glad the workshop answered your questions and prepared you for the fall semester. It’s great that you found these programs and workshops helpful and not boring. Sometimes trying new things can be surprisingly beneficial. Keep up the good work!

    • Nilkiaris Arjona (Kiki)

      very true, it’s such an honor to earn some money by completely everything and getting to know fellow freshman college students

    • Krittika

      There’s nothing better than trying out al much as you can

  7. Nilkiaris Arjona (Kiki)

    when preparing to be a college student i will look back to this workshop and how much ithis has helped me in my journey to now more about the college and to look forward to meeting these people in the fall semester. i will try to be more organized and balance between work, college, and studying so that im on the right path and i won’t exhaust myself

    • Talisha Rahman

      I’m happy to hear the workshop has been helpful in preparing you for college. Staying organized and balancing everything is important. Keep up the good work and look forward to meeting everyone in the fall!

    • Alexis Cordoba

      Love your hair btw, but i agree also that the workshop has been very helpful for me transitioning and I’m glad I got to meet new people that I can relate to.

    • Krittika

      Congratulations on walking away with a lot of learning.

  8. Minerva Guerrero

    I always felt worried about transitioning from high school to college, because I felt it was a different environment and there were many things that I didn’t understand at the time. But the workshop help me a lot to learn how some things work in city tech and the importance of include myself in different activities and the importance to manage my time. In this workshop I learned that I don’t need to be afraid to ask questions of things that I don’t understand or I don’t know.

    • Talisha Rahman

      I’m glad the workshop helped answer your questions and prepare you for the semester. Trying new things can really be beneficial. Keep up the good work!

  9. Alexis Cordoba

    I really appreciated the workshop, it helped me improve my communication skills because it forced me to talk to new people I’ve never met before and I will say that I will miss you guys. I’m glad we got to meet ones that are also transitioning to college so we are all experiencing the same challenges. In general, Ive noticed how many resources CUNY and City Tech provides to help students enhance their academic progress, mentally prepare us, and etc. At first I felt college was being thrown at us, but now i feel a little more at ease.

    • Talisha Rahman

      I’m glad the workshop helped improve your communication skills and connect with others going through the same transition. It’s great that you found the resources from CUNY and City Tech helpful. Keep up the good work, and we’ll miss you too!

  10. Krittika

    Honestly, I have never thought I would so easily get familiar with City tech. At first, it seemed so hard to be a college freshmen but the workshop informed me and also warned me about a lot of stuff and helped me to imagine how my whole four years could be. I don’t know why after the workshop I feel more like I belong to the City tech community.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s great to hear the workshop made you feel more familiar with City Tech and prepared for your college journey. Feeling like you belong is important. Keep up the good work and enjoy your time at City Tech!

  11. Justin Nuñez

    To be honest I really think with the advice my college advisor gave me and to upper classmates already in college I feel like I’ll be just alright and thanks to this workshop I feel like I’m ready to just enter knowing that I’m going to do just fine.

  12. Justin Nuñez

    To be honest I really think with the advice my college advisor gave me and to upper classmates already in college I feel like I’ll be just alright and thanks to this workshop I feel like I’m ready to just enter knowing that I’m going to do just fine.

  13. Anchita

    I have a lot of things planned before college. The first thing is I wanna be familiar with my class, basically be ahead of my class by reading the syllabus or the first chapter. Second, Be engage with my professors, juniors and seniors because they can give me the best advice about how to be successful in college and other topics like internships. Also, make friends who have the same or higher level of dedication than me, because these friends could give motivation to me, and also help me (the same goes for my side). Overall, I am excited about my college life.

  14. Pat Devitt

    Preparing to be a college student has been rigorous. I spent most of my senior year upping my grades to places they’ve never been to ensure that I was accepted to City Tech. The rest of preparing has been rather easy. However I’m currently jumping through hoops with my HS because they gave the wrong type of diploma. Other than that I have had much preparation for college and I’m incredibly excited to attend!

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