Session #6 Reflection

We invite you to tell a story about how you are preparing to be a City Tech student.* Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition in to college, yet eventually they become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong. In the space below, share your own story of preparing to be a college student.

*This reflection is inspired by the “Our Stories” project. You can visit the site and read the stories of other City Tech students. You are invited to comment on the stories they expressed.

13 thoughts on “Session #6 Reflection

  1. The ways that i have been preparing myself for college is by joining a workshop so i can learn more about the school, the clubs and programs that city tech has that can be beneficial to me.I have also been trying to walk around the school to help me know where classes and offices are located just so that its easier for me to get around the school.

  2. I am getting ready for college by not stressing. im trying not to overload myself and overthink about what could happen and focus on the now.

  3. I have been preparing for college being involved in groups where i can learn a little more about university life I am also looking for a job and a place to rent so I can have a more peaceful space to study and focus on the school

  4. I have been trying to prepare for college by enrolling in this program, financially stabilizing myself, becoming more on top of things such as stopping procrastination and much more. Mentally I am training myself to study long hours and memorize things to very core material so I can pass my classes with ease. Physically I’ve improved my sleep schedule and worked out a bit. Lastly, I am using all open source materials to aid me in my transition into college such as 101, tutoring, and the library.

  5. I am preparing myself for college by joining extracurricular activities and clubs to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people. Also, by being more organized and on top of the schedules I create for myself, I can properly balance my school work, work hours, and social life.

  6. To help myself be able to transition into college, I been preparing by getting my material sorted out like the basic things. Trying to create a schedule that would be a healthy balanced between school and what I do outside, and tryna figure out about switching my major and most likely having to switch my school schedule along with it. Mainly focused on tryna fix my sleep before school since I got class from 10am-8pm.

  7. I am preparing myself for college in multiple ways. I’m fixing my sleeping schedule to adjust to my work and school hours, focusing on myself by going to the gym and going out on my own to reflect on myself and how I can be better/proactive. I’m getting my to do list done so I can start off college on a fresh page without worrying about other things. I have also been working on challenging myself to be more interactive with the people around me by attending this workshop and getting to know the people I might see throughout the semester while I also have tours of the school so I can get comfortable. Attending this workshop also puts me a step ahead by building knowledge on the apps I might use throughout this upcoming semester.

  8. I’m preparing myself for city by getting involved in extracurricular activities and getting to know my counselor, build relationships with my mentors and studying for exams

  9. I am preparing for college by trying to find an answer to any question I might have regarding college as well as trying to organize myself and any school Work I get, finding a balance between school and my day to day life. Also by using any resource that is available to me.

  10. I have been preparing for college by trying to balance things one by one. Also by joining the workshop it helped me with how my classes are gonna be like and how the life of college is going to be. Getting to know the school by going on tour outside and the inside.

  11. To prepare for college I started joining workshops and I tried to explore the campus on my own to get familiar with it. I got familiar with some professors and peer mentors who share the same interest in nursing and want to pursue a career in nursing. I got a tour on and off campus so I can find places that I could be at to study or eat/chill. On top of that I’ve been messing around with the resources given to me so that I’m able to operate it if needed.

  12. I have been preparing for college in more ways than one. Physically I have been taking care of myself more, eating better, trying to adjust my sleeping habits , and doing things that make me happy and active. Mentally I have been learning to balance many things at once, I have been learning to maintain peace of mind regardless of the situation or circumstances, I have also been working hard to understand and comprehend so challenges I feel I may face and coming up with ways to beat them before they strike.

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