Who I Am

Hi everyone my name is Yadira Cadmilema. In 2013 I went through an unforgettable moment. This particular moment marked my life forever because it was in that year that my parents officially received their green cards. Being able to see the enjoy and happiness in their faces was incredible. Then in there, I realized I wanted to become an immigration lawyer. I want to be able to help people and give them that same happiness in receiving their green cards just like my parents were. Which is why I choose  Law and Paralegal Studies as my major. However, I’m also a mommy to a 5-month-old baby boy. He means the world to me and gives me all the motivation and strength I need to succeed in my career path and in life.

3 thoughts on “Who I Am

  1. Hi Yadira,
    Congrats to your parents on getting their green card. How long did the process take? It is so cool that your personal experience motivated you to become an immigration lawyer! Personally immigration law sounds so rewarding because you can impact people’s lives in such a profound way.

  2. Hi Yadira,
    Congrats to your parents on getting their green card. How long did the process take? It is so cool that your personal experience motivated you to become an immigration lawyer! Personally immigration law sounds so rewarding because you can impact people’s lives in such a profound way.

  3. Thanks Yadira! Wow I wouldn’t forget that moment either. I’m glad it’s inspired you to join our profession. We need good, caring immigration lawyers, now more than ever. I hope you’re enjoying our course! Prof. C.

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