The Social Good of Social Media

This article is basically about the positive outlooks of having social media in your daily life. One of the benefits that the article states is news alert distribution, where people can find out more about what is going on in the world through news alerts on social media channels in which it reaches more people faster. The article portrays some key points on how social media is a valuable tool for sending safety messages. As well as social media being a great outlet to reach young people in order to make a difference and reach other great amount of individuals to get local news across to spread important information. The article also states the benefits of having an increase of marketing exposure through social media. Which is the most profitable way to reach a very large amount of consumers by having them support and more likely to share posts from major corporations and organizations.

Social Media

Social Media addiction is a bigger problem than you think.

Social networkers and creators are trying so hard to make their networks so addictive that you can’t resist them. A study shows that people intended to quit them, but they couldn’t make more than a few days. They are fear of missing out because everyone is using social media; everyone has a phone. That notification number draws them into it. Image ideas are two people have their phone, one you can see the notification number on top of the Facebook app, one you can see the notification number is on while the person is on Facebook; another idea is a person is on Facebook watching a funny video and interacting with friends.

It’s Not All Bad: The Social Good of Social Media

The main point is that major new outlets, corporations, and persons of interest use social media to deliver messages to the masses. When news or items are posting immediately, the public can stay informed. Delivering new alerts on social media channels reach more people faster. Social media can also be a valuable tool for sending safety messages and showing photos from severe crashes resulting from distractions. Sometimes, social media does more good than harm in retrospect. Image idea: one person is on Facebook looking at the posts about internship or designs in Group or Public information (Communication Design @ CityTech) on Facebook; another idea-a person is using Facebook Messenger on the phone, talking about homework with his/her classmates.


the article really spoke about how social media can be used in positive ways. In the article one of their points is that social media helps alert drivers who are too much on their phone.  For example there are many film makers who use social media to draw awareness to people who drive and use their phone.  Another point the article made was when it spoke about how teenagers can use social media as a form of self expression and be a part of something. For the social media project it would be good to take pictures of up close shot with a half lit face showing how social media is bad and really draw emphasis on the emotion in the face. Also for a happier shot use a white background and a much more exposed face, getting really up close and personal with the subject.

Social Media: Loubna Aly

It’s Not All Bad: The Social Good Of Social Media addresses that Social Media can play a positive role in society. Although he does talk about some of the negativity of Social media, some of the most important arguments he makes is that Social Media raises awareness, and delivers news and messages to a large mass of people.

Shooting pro-social media images can be more difficult than the other way around. However, the images that we see on social media everyday of, for example, police brutality, or protesting, can be an effective take on this topic.

Social Media Addiction

This article is basically based on social media being an addiction for people. Being a massive distraction and a waste of time. The article mentions major social companies creating social content to make social media more addicting towards each individual that uses the social media platform. It also states that social networking is linked to a term called FOMO, which is fear of missing out. Many people have this problem causing them to be more addicted to social media.

Social Media: Loubna Aly

The author of Social media addiction is a bigger problem than you think, Mike Elgan, is expressing how negative Social Media is on society. The notion of addiction is used to symbolized how individuals are immensely drawn into Social Media everyday and have a fear of “quitting” because of this addiction.

Photography can be used to capture these moments of ‘Social Media addiction’. Maybe not being so literal and capture a photo of someone on their phone, but maybe a group of young students following each other robotically, in reference to the following network Elgan describes in his article.

Social media addiction is a bigger problem than you think

The author describes this article by comparing social media addiction to that of crack/cocaine addiction.the companies responsible for the addiction work hard everyday using algorithms that track the users engagement with their sites in order to enhance the viewers browsing time on the particular site. They are all in a competition to get the most viewers by any means they can.

  • The most benefitted network is facebook, it reigns the top of the food chain. By involving people families and close friends to sign up the users feel that they must remain on facebook since everyone they know use it whether or not they like using facebook or not.
  • Another way is using notifications that leave the user wanting more without giving away specifics of the notif.

the addiction can get out of hand when you actually try to stay away from social media and notice that you cannot control your impulse to grab your phone and check your status.


The point this article is trying to convey is that social media is almost like an addictive drug. It shows us different points, one of them being FOMO, which means fear of missing out, social media makes you feel like you’re missing out on the world so it draws you in more to find out what is going on. Another point they make is the idea of having a notification number that pretty much alerts you that something is going on in the site. Especially when you have facebook as an app this number is more apparent because it appears as a red icon drawing you in even more. Finally there is also the idea of the network effect which basically says that the more people are connected on a site, the more valuable the site becomes. This is seen with the amount of people using facebook and also if anyone remembers myspace, back when it was one of the most popular social medias and then people switched to facebook and dropped the whole idea of myspace. This article really shows us in different key points on how social media is doing more bad than good in our lives, it shouldn’t feel like we can’t live without social media.

Social Media – Addicting or Empowering

After reading “Social media is a Bigger problem than You Think”:

  1. In a few sentences, summarize the point of view of the text.
  2. Describe the main points of the article that you think lend themselves to a visual treatment.
  3. Describe at least two image ideas that you think could be photographed in the studio and would clearly communicate the point of the article.

After reading “Its Not All Bad: The Social Good of Social Media”:

  1. In a few sentences, summarize the point of view of the text.
  2. Describe the main points of the article that you think lend themselves to a visual treatment.
  3. Describe at least two image ideas that you think could be photographed in the studio and would clearly communicate the point of the article.

Headphone Design Brief

Jesus, Jonathan, Jenydia,Maggie
1)Brand: Sony White Headphones
-Black Background
2)The style of the brand is very Elegant, sleek and clean.

Jesus will bring the headphones, Black cloth

Our Concept for shooting is that we plan on focusing on shooting the headphones by themselves in order to promote the product by itself, as well as with a model wearing the headphones. We also want to change the scenery by shooting outside and all around the school in different areas to give the headphones more life, and also to give people an idea of the product in real world scenarios.

For hearing loss we plan on using two models and showing hand gestures and facial expressions to show how damaging headphones can be. But also try to make the headphones look deadly by themselves. by adding different props to it around to show the headphones in a negative light.