Author Archives: Loubna Aly

Social Media: Loubna Aly

It’s Not All Bad: The Social Good Of Social Media addresses that Social Media can play a positive role in society. Although he does talk about some of the negativity of Social media, some of the most important arguments he makes is that Social Media raises awareness, and delivers news and messages to a large mass of people.

Shooting pro-social media images can be more difficult than the other way around. However, the images that we see on social media everyday of, for example, police brutality, or protesting, can be an effective take on this topic.

Social Media: Loubna Aly

The author of Social media addiction is a bigger problem than you think, Mike Elgan, is expressing how negativeĀ Social Media is on society. The notion of addiction is used to symbolized how individuals are immensely drawn into Social Media everyday and have a fear of “quitting” because of this addiction.

Photography can be used to capture these moments of ‘Social Media addiction’. Maybe not being so literal and capture a photo of someone on their phone, but maybe a group of young students following each other robotically, in reference to the following network Elgan describes in his article.