Bad Social Media
In summary,
It is addictive to be on social media is because of what the designers of the platforms do. To have a button that you can click to see who mentioned you in their post. Once you’ve clicked on that button enough, it starts to become addicting. Every now and then you would want to click that button, even though there aren’t any notifications.
My idea is to show the reflection of the notification number onto someones glasses. To have their eyes create tension, and the need of wanting to see and click the notification.
Second, Over the head shot of model clicking the notification.
Good Social Media
To show the positivities of the good parts of using social media for general education purposes. To keep people informed of news that aren’t hitting major broadcast channels but are still significant towards various people.
My idea is to show how informative social media can be. As for the photograph, the model will be lookat towards his social media and smiling as if something good is happening.