Monthly Archives: August 2016

What is the Point of College Summary


The main idea of the article is that there is a schism in the perception of what college should accomplish with those who enroll. The split is centered around the idea of preparing students for a future in the fields in which they study, and the idea that colleges are where people should be able to discover themselves without fear of persecution. This split then goes on to dictate what students learn, and how they learn the material. The question the article poses is whether or not is conducive to meaningful knowledge.

Communication Problem: The inherent difference in the pragmatism of utility and the idealism of utopia.

Image Ideas:
Heavily impersonal visuals, such as cold lighting and an emphasis on machinery to represent utility. Bright and more lively, human expressions for utility.

Unfamiliarity with the camera equipment resulted in some less than ideal shots, and most of them did not satisfy the criteria of environmental portraits. However, a few standout examples were produced for further revision and modification.

David D.

  1. Summary:  Utility U vs Utopia U, the article by Kwame Anthony Appiah explores the duality of our educational system between the bottom line and an individual self growth.
  2. Communication Problem: Describe structured working environment vs a chaotic creative storm a student may be going through.
  3. Image Ideas:  One surrounded by lots of equipment  vs a seldom computer screen
  4. Results: 

Project Briefs

For each topic this semester, you are required to complete a project brief. The first three categories must be completed before shooting any photographs. The last category is to be completed for all the topics in Portfolio One on or before October 17th and by November 21 for all the topics in Portfolio Two.

These are the sections:

  1. Summary:-when working with a text, briefly state the most important points of the article. If an advertising campaign, describe the product.
  2. Communication Problem: What should be communicated by the images that accompany this article or will be used in this campaign?
  3. Image Ideas: List at least two image ideas. You can also include other photographers’ images with credit as examples or sketches.
  4. Results: How did it turn out? What is successful about the final images? What could be improved?

.Create a new post. Select the correct category and paste in:

  1. Summary:
  2. Communication Problem:
  3. Image Ideas:
  4. Results: