Shutter Speed


Shutter speed is the speed or time that the shutter opens for the photo and then closes.

The photo I chose was a photo of myself jumping. The shutter speed was on 0.6″. I believe the photo is visually engaging because you can see the blur of myself jumping but you can also see myself landing on the ground.I also like the photo because it captures what looks like could be my spirit in the air and my body on the ground.

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Haunted Hall

two ghost

Shutter Speed is the amount of time the camera allows to capture an image. This photo had a shutter speed of 0.6. I find this image visually appealing because the focus being on me creates an illusion of ghostly figures around me.

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LL 5- Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the term used to describe the motion and exposure time of a subject in a photo. A fast shutter allows the photographer to catch a fast-moving object, and it also depends on the ISO. The faster the shutter speed, the more light required, since it captures the action quickly and clearly.


This photo is the best one from our shutter speed photoshoot because it has a great contrast between the background and subject. It was also shot at 1″, which captures the motion of the subject (which was myself) well.

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Shutter Speed


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LL5-Shutter Speed

Define shutter speed in your own words.


Post your best motion blur photo with a description of why it is a visually engaging photograph. Include the shutter speed at which the photograph was shot.

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Brooklyn bridge park

IMG_6369 I choose this photo because I like the way the leaves act as diagonals, leading your eyes toward the center of the plant. This photo as well has the same pattern flowing around the center making the plant seem more dynamic.

Posted in LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

brooklyn park


I chose this photograph because I like how the warm colors of the leaf that contrast from orange to green. It really grabs your attention when you look at it because you also see that the leaf next to it is just one color. This is a very simple photograph yet the colors of it give out a strong composition .

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LL4 Brooklyn Bridge Park

IMG_8886.jpg a

I chose this photograph as my favorite because it shows pattern and repetition yet it has rule of third, it fills the frame , and symmetry.  When you focus on the photo the leading lines draws you attention to the entire image.

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LL4 Brooklyn Bridge

LL4 Brooklyn Bridge I picked this photograph because I like how it grabs my attention to the red even though the photograph appears to be chaotic with signs going in all directions. I really like the angle as well, it makes the photograph more bold.

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LL4-Brooklyn Bridge field trip


I chose this photograph from all photos I took from Brooklyn Bridge Park, because it showed interesting pattern including the texture of leaves and flower. Secondly, the position of this flower is one third of the photograph which conformed with Rule of third. In addition, the colors of flower and leaves also present high contrast.

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