Category Archives: Learning Logs

LL 3 – Scavenger hunt

This was my favorite photo of the ones my group took because the focus and composition of this model of the brooklyn bridge is very smooth and symmetrical. It’s almost like a picture of the actual bridge to me because … Continue reading

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LL 4 Brooklyn Bridge

It was hard to choose my favorite photo from our trip to brooklyn bridge park on thursday, because I took photos that really differed from one another on subject. After picking my 5 favorite photos I decided that this was … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

LL 4- Brooklyn Bridge Park Photoshoot

This is my best shot from the trip because it shows a break in the pattern. While there are many green leaves surrounding the photo, the flower makes a visual break when observing the photo from left to right. or … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

Pattern Assignment.

I feel this photograph was the strongest I took today. I think I did what I was aiming for; which is focusing on the middle and getting the blur not just in the background, but also the front. This also … Continue reading

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Paul Paulino – Manhattan Bridge

This was my favorite photo from the park trip because of the composition of the objects. The red helicopter hovering over the bridge, the bikers on the walkway and the angle that everything is in.

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Brooklyn Bridge

  This is one of my favorite photos that I took. I believe it is a great photo that has the rule of thirds. The man being on one point and the wall on the other points/intersections. The shadows also … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Depth of Field, LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

LL4-Pattern, Point of view, Rule of Thirds

Post a small version of your best photo taken in class today with a short description of why it is visually engaging. What makes it a strong photo?

Posted in LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

Group 1: Scavenger Hunt

I liked this photograph best from the rest because its different. You can see a photo within a photo. My group and I were trying to capture the concept of technology. Nowadays phones are the biggest source of usage among … Continue reading

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Scavenger Hunt

Working as a group is always a good idea, I get to see the ways my classmates approach things when doing the assignment. I think we worked really well,  we all took photos before agreeing which of all worked better … Continue reading

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LL 3- Scavenger Hunt Experience

While working on this photoshoot, this gave me a lot of good experience with working with a group. I feel that we all engaged in an orderly matter, and all of us gave constructive feedback with the photos when needed. We … Continue reading

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