Category Archives: LL7-Portrait Basics

Portrait Basics

I really like the lighting in this photo you can tell the light is in the front of her pace.  The ISO is low each to allow perfect lighting.  I love how the top portion is dark and as you … Continue reading

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LL7-Portrait Basics

I choose this photograph because it is a good example of short lighting that the side of Samantha’s face turned towards the camera is in more shadow. Besides that, it is also in three-quarter view.

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I like this photo because the profile view is very dramatic. The dark shadows on her cheek and light under the eyes creates a contrast. The light also brings out the reflection in her eyes. This photo is centered creating … Continue reading

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          I chose this photo as my favorite because even though I know she has a super sweet personality, this photo gives off a sense of seriousness and mystery. The lighting is short light and it works … Continue reading

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I like this photo because it feels as though it has a serious/deep feel to it. The way the light hits the front of her face and a bit of the clothes. This shot was taken with a very short … Continue reading

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Portrait Basics

The photo I took of Hajara really stood out to because this portrait gives off a calm and peaceful tone. Having her eyes closed in this shot makes the photo more interesting since she is not focused on anything there … Continue reading

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Portrait Basics

I like the picture because she looking into the light instead of the camera, which is mostly short light. This photograph was the background light which is creating a little separation from the background. And the fill is also nice.

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Portrait Photoshoot

This photo is an example of a backlight, with the light showing in the bottom right of the composition. It is also the main light being exposed to the photo. With how it’s placed, it makes the model (or myself) more … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL7-Portrait Basics | 1 Comment

I picked this picture because of the glare in the eye, giving it innocence and there’s  nice contrast. The face is in 3rd point perspective and the light comes from the right and front.

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LL7 – Portrait Basics

  In this picture, i really love how the shadows are. The contrast between dark and light are really nice in this image. We one lighting for this image which is the main lighting to cast the shadows. The Fill … Continue reading

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