Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 OL89 | FAll 2020

Author: Mercedes Alvarez (Page 3 of 6)

Food Photography

I took these photos outside. For the first photo I used a cutting board as the background and for the second photo I used a kitchen towel. I think the brown background worked better in this case because it gives it a nice contrast. The blue and orange in the first image are both bright so it makes it more distracting.

Lighting Direction

I wasn’t able to take photos outside because their was an overcast so I used my lamp to take the first 3 photos. For the side light I held the lamp to the right of the bear. I centered the lamp for the front light and then placed it behind the bear for the backlight. For the direct diffused light I placed the bear by the window for natural lighting.


Cui Zhang

I really like this photo because of the bright yellow, I think with some editing in Lightroom this photo could look really interesting and bring out the yellow even more. I like how close up it is and the birds eye view she took it at.

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