1/2000 secs, ISO 767 1/1000 secs ISO 767 1/100 secs, ISO 768 1/50 secs, ISO 768 1/15 secs, ISO 767
I took my pictures near an open window. At 1/2000 and 1/1000secs the differences is not too noticeable but there is a little amount of blur. I started to see the difference in 1/100 secs. It starts to blur at the end of the pencil. At 1/50 secs speed starts to really have a speed line effect I was expecting. I really like the 1/15 secs image because it looks like it’s fading out of existence. I need to work on my ISO in the future. The images doesn’t look grainy but it does look dark for the first two images.
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