agenda: week 1, introduction

Class Info: Week 1

January 31, February 2

This Week’s has been outlined in detail to give a clear vision of the overall course. 

    • Date: Monday 1/31
    • Course Goals: Introduce the field of graphic design including its basic working methods and theory. This class will focus on communication through form, the visible shape or configuration.

To-Do Before Class


Welcome to Graphic Design


    • To familiarize students with the objectives of the course.
    • To establish working practices and clarify expected outcomes.
    • To introduce theory through perception.

It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world;
we explain that world with words,
but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it.
The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. 

John Berger, Ways of Seeing 


Online Course structure and Expectations

Review academic policies & go over syllabus

 This class is not software-oriented

        • The scaffolded, systematic nature of the assignments are designed to help you develop a working process that leads to a body of accomplished visual work, as well as a vocabulary for critically engaging that work, laying a solid foundation for further study. 
        •  What to Expect in Class – Online Course Structure
        • How to Navigate this Site
        • Introduce Weekly Discussions
        • Critique and Discussion best practices


What is design?   

Graphic design is qualitative rather than quantitative. There are no ‘correct’ solutions to problems but there will be solutions that feel highly compelling, original, and appropriate to you (and hopefully your client). As a creative process, good design is not by nature efficient.

Strong solutions are sometimes arrived at quickly but more often slowly and progressively. The development of a rigorous creative process will help add rationality and consistency to your work. 

Graphic designers are primarily concerned with creating and managing visual forms (usually combining type and images) that communicate a particular message, to a particular audience, in a meaningful and powerful way. Graphic Design can alternately be used to identify, inspire, inform, persuade, or provoke, and designers work across a variety of media, often collaborating with a team of specialists to execute their visions. 

The following are a range of specialties that are generally included within the field of graphic design: 

• Branding: identity design for institutions, companies (non-media specific) 

• Interactive Design: interface design for websites, software, kiosks 

• Motion Graphics: film/tv title sequences, ads, television identities 

• Print Design: design for books, posters, magazines, newspapers • Environmental Design: wayfinding, signage, and exhibition design • Information Design: tables, charts, diagrams (maps are a sub-specialty) 

• Packaging Design: food and product packaging 

• Typeface design is a sub-specialty 

• Advertising is a separate discipline but designers also work within ad agencies 

Design Fundamentals

Due Next 

      • Assignment 1: due February 2 
        • Purchase Supplies that you need for every class
            • Sketchbook: 8.5 x 11
            • Roll of 12” tracing paper
            • Metal ruler for measuring and trimming: 12”
            • 2 black markers: 1 wide & 1 fine point.
            • 2 flash drives: one master, one back-up
            • Pencils of varying hardness
            • Pencil sharpener
        • Complete: Student Survey


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