Assignment: Week 1 Class 2, due 2/2 letterform assignment

Due: 11:30, Wednesday, February 2

Category: figure-ground letter sketch

To Do

    1. sketch
    2. watch


A.  Sketch: create figure-ground studies

1.  20 composition that are half white and half black

        1. Choose letterforms with “mass,” to create equal amounts of black and white more black per unit
          Use letterforms of your choice
          Use writing systems of your choice, (examples below)
        2. Draw 20 squares, approximately 3×3 inches
        3. Using a thick black marker on tracing paper,
          create figure-ground compositions using a letterform


          • Use only 1 letter for each study, explore different letters in each study
          • Solid form only, not line or outline
          • No computer work!
          • Strike a balance between positive and negative space
            (equal white and black in each square)
          • Examine both the form and counter-form,
            isolate just enough of the letter to hint at its identity


2  Enlarge and Refine

        1. choose 4 of your best studies
        2. Enlarge and refine to approximately 5-inch squares






*It may help to enlarge the letterforms on your computer monitor and trace




Use letterforms with “mass,” more black per unit
Use letterforms of your choice, 3 examples belowletterforms









hangeul, korean alphabet

3  Photograph and Label your work

Label your work: “figure-ground letter sketch-A” 
(use B, C, etc for subsequent images)

4  Post your work:

            1. In the WordPress Dashboard, (on the left side of the screen) click on “Posts” > Add New to create a new post
            2. Name post  “figure-ground letter sketches_firstName lastName”
            3. Assign a category (the right side of the screen)
            4. Under “Categories” choose “Homework Completed” and “figure-ground letter sketches” and  “assignment posts” in the menu on the right side.
            5. Under “category sticky” choose “Homework Completed
            1. Step by step instructions







Be sure to select Homework Completed,” NOT “ Homework Assignments” post category







More info on adding a post:


B   Watch: Principles of Design

Be prepared to discuss it in class on Wednesday

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