Agenda, week 6 grid

This agenda provides a detailed outline to give a clear vision of the day’s class.

Category: Grid

    • Goals: Organizing your work
    • Objectives:  Understanding hierarchy

To-Do: before class

    • Post your homework
    • Prepare to present your influence



Let’s chat

Entry/Exit Tickets

In the next minute and a half, please answer in the chat:
90 seconds to respond.

what was one thing not covered in the homework that you questioned

If someone else has the same comment as you, please respond with a plus and their first name. + John

What’s one question you have about the homework?
or what’s one thing from the homework you would like to discuss in class today?
or what’s one thing not covered in the homework
or that we haven’t talked about enough yet that we should talk about today?”


Influence presentation
2 minutes each


Student alignment analysis


What is alignment?

gridded posters

more grids

Guide to using Grids


previous student examples:

1  Use a grid, 5

2  Apply hierarchy to create a composition based on each proportion system                       •  use at least 3 levels of hierarchy
•  where do you place hierarchy to emphasize the grid?

Use alignment

Make sure your text is not centered
check that you do not have the same space above and below

Mass your white space
make sure you have a large group of white space

Review & critiques homework

Let’s chat

Why do we use grids?
Add your answer to the chat


Proportion systems and grids

Goal: Create images that communicate
Objective: Create forms that signify essential qualities

Next week:


Proportion systems and grids

Goal: Create images that communicate
Objective: Create forms that signify essential qualities

Preparation for hierarchy

How we see:

How we see: visual attention science. start at 2:50 – 9:30

start at 3 minutes – 9.30 minutes


Due Next Class

2. Finalize icon
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