prepare for our spring semester

Welcome to Graphic Design Principles 2

Please complete the following before our first class on February 2

You must have a Zoom account to meet with the class!


1  Zoom

Zoom is our meeting place.
Before our first class, make sure that you have an account.    

Register with Zoom, it’s free.

If you would like privacy,

How to hide your messy room for a Zoom video conference

      1. Use a Zoom virtual background, they’re free also.

Or create your own.

Background image

There are no size restrictions when adding your own virtual backgrounds, but we recommend cropping the image to match the aspect ratio of your camera before uploading it.

          • Example: If your camera is set to 16:9, an image of 1280 by 720 pixels or 1920 by 1080 pixels would work well.
          • If you’re not sure about your camera aspect ratio, use a background image with a minimum resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels.
          • Use these sources for royalty-free images: Pexels, Unsplash, Pixabay.

Effective Remote Working

How to hide your messy room for a Zoom video conference

2  Student Survey

Please tell me about the technology and working space that you have available to complete your coursework.

      • 1. Do you have a smartphone?*
        • Yes, with a data plan
        • Yes, no data plan
        • No
      • 2. Do you have consistent, reliable access to a laptop or desktop computer at your home or another off-campus location?*
        • Yes
        • No
      • 3. Do you have consistent, reliable access to a tablet or iPad at your home or another off-campus location?*
        • Yes
        • No
      • 4. Do you have broadband (not smartphone) internet access at your home?*
        • Yes
        • No
      • 5. Do you have an appropriate space to do your coursework at your home or another off-campus location?*
        • Yes
        • No
      • 6. Is there anything else you’d like me to know about your situation regarding coursework? (Optional)0 of 1200 max characters

Credits: This survey was based on a survey created by Maura Smale and Mariana Regalado.

3  Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

Please add your introduction before our next class on February 2.  It should be between 250-300 words.

Before the next class, read the comments and get to know your classmates!

Then reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn anything? Be kind.


4  Websites

Course Website

We will be using this OpenLab site for hosting assignments, and discussions. It is your responsibility to check the site before each class meeting for instructions.

Create an account, sign-on, and request access. Questions? Please ask!


Google Drive

Sign in with a Gmail account. The direct link is

            • When InDesign files are needed for class they will be available here.
            • Final work will be uploaded to designated folders as jpg unless otherwise specified.
              Correctly name files: course and section_season year_project name_your last name_first name For example: comd1200_f20_letterform white_smith_amy

Back-up Files: If you don’t have a Dropbox account open one. There is no charge for a basic account. Losing work due to failed media or overwritten files is not an excuse for late work. Students are expected to have an effective backup strategy for all of their files. Duplicate all work. Questions? Please ask!


Please consistently check the email you provided to register for this class for reminders or changes. Check mail at least 24 hrs before class. 

It is your responsibility to keep lines of communication open—make sure that your mailbox is not full. 


5  Supplies

Items 1-6 are required for EVERY class

      1. Sketchbook: 8.5 x 11 
      2. Roll of 12” tracing paper,
      3. 2 black markers: 1 wide & 1 fine point.
      4. 2 flash drives: one master, one back-up
      5. Pencils of varying hardness 
      6. Pencil sharpener
      7. White artist’s tape
      8. Xacto knife & blades.
      9. Metal ruler for measuring and trimming: 12”
      10. Flexible ruler: Schaedler or other
      11. Ultra-smooth White illustration board 
      12. Cutting board or 11 x 17 chipboard
      13. Black and white Plaka 
      14. 3 Round paint brushes, various thickness 
      15. Printer and 250 sheets of paper. If you don’t have a printer, open an account with UPS/FedEx print supplier or another printer. 

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