Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section OL40 | Spring 2021

08 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

Describe three items you have learned doing this Midterm Project.

Question 02 –

How will you remember what you have learned?


  1. Damani Douglas

    Question 01 –

    Describe three items you have learned doing this Midterm Project.

    One thing I learned from doing this midterm project is how to efficiently use the pen tool to draw any type of curve. For the large majority of this project, I used the pen tool to make the shapes of the artwork. From the long, slender columns of the orange borders, to the intricate layers of all the characters’ hair, facial features, and clothes. I had known roughly how to us the pen tool before doing this project, but I had difficulty stopping and resuming drawing with the “ESC” key. Along with knowing when to use the anchor point and curvature tools. Another thing I learned is how to scale, rotate, and recolor patterns. This is also something that you had taught us before the project and helped reinforce with the Plaid Assignment, however, when it came time for me to make different types of striped designs in my midterm I was lost. I was able to choose a pattern to use and assigned it to its own fill layer, however, I had no clue how to transform only patterns without the shape it occupied, or that I needed to go to the advanced controls in recolor artwork to recolor the pattern’s fore and background. This project helped me cement the process of editing patterns in Adobe Illustrator. Another thing I learned doing the midterm was how to use layers and sublayers to effectively isolate elements in my artwork. When we were told to go pick a Disney poster to recreate I was starstruck at how mindbogglingly complex they all looked. I knew that I would have no idea where to start and how to break up the layers if I picked a difficult poster. Even so, I wanted to challenge myself to be able to break down a complex, visually interesting poster that can keep your attention for a long time. With help from my class and trusty trial and error, I was able to complete my artwork with 20 labeled layers, each containing anywhere from 5 to 50 sub-layers.

    Question 02 –

    How will you remember what you have learned?

    I will remember what I’ve learned by continuing to practice the skills I’ve been taught outside of classtime, deepening my knowledge as I reinforce those skills. With anything in life, if you don’t use it, you lose it. That couldn’t be more true with all of the Adobe Creative Cloud products. Before I began my artwork for the midterm, I was stuck between choosing a “Lilo and Stitch” poster or a “WreckIt Ralph” poster. I chose “WreckIt Ralph” in the end, but that does not mean I can’t still do the “Lilo and Stitch” poster for my own practice and enjoyment. That will be my next personal project to reinforce what I’ve learned and ensure that I don’t forget what I’ve learned.

  2. Katherine Alas

    Question 01 –

    Describe three items you have learned doing this Midterm Project.

    Three things I learned doing this midterm project was the outer glow effect in illustrator. It is an effect that makes the object seem as if it’s glowing from the borders of the shape. I think it was a cool item and I used it on my own project because I saw something similar. Although before this project I knew how to use gradients, this was the first time I use the freeform gradient. I learn how to work with the gradients more. Another item was the layers, it was the first time I have really used layers so I learned that the layers you add on will go on top of the layers before. I didn’t know that they had to be in order that you wanted them to show, I also learned how to hide or show a specific layer to work on.

    Question 02 –

    How will you remember what you have learned?
    I would remember what I learned by continuing to use the tools that I learned. I will also try to improve them by practicing and looking for other resources when I need help or ask the professor for help.

    • Damani Douglas

      The effects panel has a wealth of interesting and useful tools to play around with! I personally am intrigued to learn more about the texture and SVG effect options! I also had a breakthrough using the layers in Illustrator for the first time. I’m glad we were both able to learn new skills!

    • Damani Douglas

      The effects panel has a wealth of interesting and useful tools to play around with! I personally am intrigued to learn more about the texture and SVG effect options! I also had a breakthrough using the layers in Illustrator for the first time. I’m glad we were both able to learn new skills!

  3. Angy Vasquez

    Question 01 –
    Describe three items you have learned doing this Midterm Project.
    Three items I have learned by doing this Midterm Project is the Blob Brush tool which is for creating filled, compound paths. New shapes painted with the Blob Brush tool will merge with existing shapes with the same appearance settings. Ive also learned more
    about the layers panel which allows you to select an item or items in an illustration, change their stacking order, show or hide them, and lock them. Lastly I learned about more about the line tool and making shapes perfectly.

    Question 02 –
    How will you remember what you have learned?
    I will remember what I’ve learned by practicing as much as I can and learn from my mistakes. Also if Im struggling I can ask my Professor questions and also google watch videos on what I’m struggling with.

  4. Account Deleted

    Question 01 –

    Describe three items you have learned doing this Midterm Project.

    Three items that I learned doing this Midterm Project are the use of cropping in photoshop. I also learned about layers panel and learned to lock, unlock. I also learned more about using the line tool and making shapes and overall it has made it easier for me. Thanks to Professor Neuringer!

    Question 02 –

    How will you remember what you have learned?

    I will remember what I have learned by simply practicing what was taught best to learn by trial and error. Also if I’m stumped I will lean to other resources for information such as google, youtube, Reddit, and many other places to choose from. That’s what I do for all my classes when I don’t understand something. I do my research and get the job done.

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