Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section OL40 | Spring 2021

02 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for the participation part of your grade. This is due by, Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Post your discussion in the Reply area.

Question 01 –

How do you duplicate a shape keeping it aligned to the original shape?

Question 02 –

How would you “globally” change colors from your design? For example, change all blue colors to purple.


  1. Angy Vasquez

    Question 01 –
    How do you duplicate a shape keeping it aligned to the original shape?
    In order to preform these actions, the best application to use is Adobe Illustrator. Create a new document and select any shape tool to make the shape you want to use. Using the Selection Tool, or in other words the black arrow, select the shape, hold down alt/option on your keyboard, and drag the shape away from where it was originally located. As a result there should be a duplicate shape. Once you have made your desired amount of duplicate shapes, select the Selection tool, click on one shape and hold down shift to click on the other duplicate shapes. If all the shapes are highlighted in blue, that means you have selected them to edit. Next you go to Properties, Align, and select More Options. Within the More Options there should be Horizontal Distribute Center. Click on that option to horizontally distribute the shapes evenly. You can also choose Vertical Distribute Center if you want to vertically distribute your duplicate shapes evenly. The shapes should be aligned and spaced out evenly by choosing these options.
    Question 02 –
    How would you “globally” change colors from your design? For example, change all blue colors to purple.
    With the Selection Tool, hold down shift and click on all the shapes you want to change. Under all your tools, there should be a white square and a black bordered square. Select the white square which should be labeled Fill and make sure the white square is in front of the black bordered square labeled Stroke. Double click on the Fill option and there should be a selection of colors to choose. You can also select color swatches to view the already prepared default colors. Click on the color you want and all the shapes should change to the color you selected.

    • Maureen Neuringer

      Q1: You need to also hold down the shift key to keep the shape aligned with the original. The Option/Alt keys make the duplicate.

      Q2: You can globally change ALL the blue colors for example by changing the color in the swatches wit the white riange in the lower right corner. Changing that will change all colors selected with that color (That is a global color).

  2. Jaaziah Cureton

    How do you fill a shape and a stroke with different colors?

    First you have to open the Adobe illustrator app and choose which canvas you want to use. Then proceed to the workspace, if it’s not present go to windows scroll down to workplace and choose your preference. Then you’re going to go to swatches. If swatches aren’t present then you go to the window and click swathes. This is gonna give you a variety of colors to choose from for the shape you want to fill. Now that you got your workspace and swatches ready you’re gonna go down to your workspace and you’re gonna look for a square and you’re gonna click on it. The shapes provided are square, rounded square, ellipse and polygon. You’re gonna choose whatever shape you want, choose how big or small you want it and if you want more details to narrow down how you want your size specifically you want the shape to be. Select your shape and choose the color you want at the swatches, you can change colors by selecting the shape again and choosing different colors. You can even choose to switch what color will be outside of the shape which is known as the stroke or some people call the border. You can switch them by clicking the double sided arrow on the right corner.

    Describe the way to create a dashed line in Illustrator?

    You select what shape you want in this example. I am going to use a septagon. First go to the shape icon and to the polygon section your and going to and go up once to get seven sides. Now you’re gonna go to stroke in the properties section on your right. If you don’t have it you go to Window and click properties. After going to stroke go all the way down until you see dashed line click and go to the right and you a icon on the farthest right that looks like dash line border in the space of a square, when you hover over it will say Align Dashes to Corners and Path Ends, Adjusting Length to Fit. Click it, then you’re going o to fill and remove it which should have a red diagonal line over a white and there you have your dashed line.

  3. Mathew Lozada

    1. You can duplicate a shape on illustrator either by highlighting control c to copy and control v to paste. You can also highlight an object and press control alt and drag to duplicate it and it’ll stay aligned with the original shape. This can be useful if you want multiple copies of an object and you want it aligned in place with other objects.

    2. You can globally change colors by accessing the swatches panel and selecting a new swatch and choosing your desired color for the object you selected. From the swatches tab, you can also customize custom colors if you don’t like the pre-selected colors that they provide. You have the freedom to choose any colors you would like.

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