Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030 | Fall 2022

09 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

Describe two different selections tools and how they work.

Question 02 –

How can you use a brush to create a shadow in your artwork?


  1. Sierra

    The image can be selected in a rectangle shape using the rectangular marquee tool. Straight-edged geometric shapes fit it perfectly. White space around asymmetrical-shaped things is a good way to eliminate the background. Using the shortcut “M,” choose your object, and then click and drag the selection. The background can then be removed or covered up by using the magic wand tool to select the white parts. The magic wand tool is ideal for solid colored shapes or backdrops since it may select an area that is entirely one color. 

    By making a second layer above and applying the same color over the places that you want the shadow to appear on, you may use a brush to add shadow to your artwork. Once the shadow layer has been created, you go to the layers panel, alter the display mode, and select a display option that will provide a darker shade. You may also try this by altering the brush’s shape or opacity, making a clipping mask, and using the brush to apply a deeper colour.

  2. Safwan Khan

    Q1-Some of the different selection tools are the rectangular marquee tool. The tool will allow you  select anything into a rectangular box, in order to do that you need to select the tool then click and drag out on the layer. Another useful selection tool is the magic wand tool, it allows to make a selections on a certain range, good for irregular or color selection items 

    Q2-The way we can create a shadow using a brush, is by first creating a layer, color in your object, change the blend mode to multiply and adjust them opacity. 


  3. Xiangyong zeng

    1)The Rectangle Marquee Tool works well when we select a rectangle or a square because all you need to do is click and drag the mouse and the marked object will be selected as a rectangle shape.

    2)To create a shadow we can use a brush to shadow a layer under the desired layer and then with a brush, make a similar digital original and then move it around depending on its light source, with the help of different types of adjustments, we can achieve the desired effect.

    • Safwan Khan

      You can also use the magnetic lasso tool, to make selection

  4. Erick Fiallos

    1. The rectangular marquee tool is perfect to use when the figure you want to select is rectangular or square, it is very simple to use, you just click and drag the mouse and what you want to mark will be selected with a rectangular shape. A very useful tool. Another very useful tool is the magic wand, its selection ranges can be either very high or very low (0-255) and it is perfect to be used with irregular or colorful figures.
    2. It seems to me that the easiest way to create a shadow with the paintbrush would be to use a layer below the layer that you want the shadow to be, so with the brush, you should make a figure similar to the original but moved depending on its light source, and at the same time In the end, with the help of the different types of adjustment, you can give it the effect you want.
    • Xiangyong zeng

      Hi Erick, the rectangular marquee tool is very useful.

  5. Adrika Hoque

    Question 1: The rectangular marquee tool is able to select the image in a rectangular shape. It is perfect for geometric shapes with straight edges. Another great use is for irregular shaped objects surrounded by white to remove the background. Select your object with the shortcut “M” and click and drag the selection. Then use the magic wand tool on the white areas to select and then you are able to remove or mask the background. The magic wand tool is able to select an area of all the same color so it’s perfect for solid colored shapes or backgrounds. The tolerance can be adjusted with the scrubber at the top bar.

    Question 2: There are multiple ways to use a brush to create shadows. The first way is to color in your object on one layer with the brush (shortcut B) and create a new layer on top of it. Change the blend mode to multiply and with the same color fill, you can paint on top of the object and it will create shadows. The second way is to color your object once again on one layer and then create a new layer on top and make it a clipping mask. Then set the brushes hardness to 0 and you are able to paint the shadows just on top of where you colored and nowhere else. You can adjust the brush size with the bracket keys to increase and decrease the size and toggle between the Eraser tool (shortcut E) to soften the shadows.

  6. Brendan Montenegro

    Question 01 –

    The magnetic lasso tool is a great selection tool for jagged/irregular shaped items. If you are looking to select a shape that has a lot of nooks and crannies this is the tool for you. I like this one the most because it has a edge detector so you are not left yo your own hand. With some guidance the Magnetic lasso tool drops some anchors around where your cursor is, work your way around the subject and make sure you close it. Another selection tool I favor is the Magic Wand. This tool is great when selection colors. It works by luminosity on a range from 0-255. It will select like colors and really comes in handy when using photoshop.

    Question 02 –

    In order to create a shadow using the brush you first must create a layer underneath the layer you wish to create a shadow on. Draw a similar shape to the subject offset just a bit and keep the light source in mind. Once you got the basic shadow design down you can adjust the opacity and blend mode to get the perfect shadow you want.

  7. David Flores

    One selection tool is the lasso tools. There are 3 of them: the lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool and the magnetic lasso tool. The lasso tool allows you to do a selection of anything freely by just clicking and holding then dragging to your desire. The polygonal lasso tool creates selections with straight edges; this is preferably used to select objects like boxes, buildings that require straight edges. The magnetic lasso tool makes selections that snap to the edges in an image as you drag. So it basically does it for you but you have to be careful when dragging so everything can be properly selected. Another selection tool is the object and quick selection tool. The object selection tool finds and automatically selects your objects. The quick selection tool makes a selection by finding and following the edges in an image. 

    To create a shadow using a brush you’ll have to create a new layer in the layers panel. Then with the brush selected you can fix your brush size on the top left where a white dot is located. Or you can either use the bracket keys to change the size. Then select the color for the shadow. Then with this layer change the blending mode so it can appear as a shadow.

  8. Lizbeth Bolanos

    I enjoyed utilizing the freehand selections tool. With the freehand selection tool you can choose to use the lasso tool, polygonal lasso or the magnetic lasso. The lasso tool selects a rectangular area in the image. The polygonal lasso selects anchor points in straight line segments. Finally, the magnetic lasso tool is a combination of the lasso and polygonal lasso. These work best when there is a greater contrast between objects in an image and their background. These also allow for freehand tracing to be done over objects. There are also the geometric selections tools, starting with the rectangular marquee which also contains the elliptical, single row and single column marquee tools. They allow for selections to be made based on rectangular or elliptical objects or single rows and columns.

    You can use a brush to create shadow in your artwork by creating a separate layer above and placing the same color over the areas that you want the shadow to appear on. You then go to the layers panel while on the shadow layer that was created and adjust the display mode and click on a display mode that will create a darker shade. You can also attempt this by changing the brush or its opacity or by creating a clipping mask and adding a darker shade with the brush.

    • David Flores

      Hi Lizbeth, The marquee tool is very useful when dealing with very basic shapes. Since it selects it based on the shape. 

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