Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030 | Fall 2022

08 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

Describe three items you have learned doing this Midterm Project.

Question 02 –

How will you remember what you have learned?


  1. Lizbeth Bolanos

    While completing this midterm project, I have learned how to gain control of the pen tool in order to create shapes that accurately convey the object I am trying to display. I would say I faced some challenges creating the chair but it eventually started to look better as I tried over and over again. I also learned how to create my own color swatches based off the poster so that my project would accurately depict the same colors as the poster. I also learned how to create gradients to give the chair in my poster a bit of depth.

    I will remember what I have learned by applying these skills in other projects and other classes as they will most continue to be helpful and utilized in order to make my creative vision a reality. Practice makes progress and sooner or later these skills will be of second nature so that I can also get projects done more efficiently.

  2. Erick Fiallos

    1. Throughout this midterm, I learned to better use some tools that I didn’t have much experience with, such as gradients, a very useful tool that I can now use with all the confidence in the world. Another tool that I was also able to learn to use was the glows and patterns that, despite knowing how they worked, I had not had the opportunity to experience very often.
    2. Well, I think that the way to remember and not forget what you have learned is to use them often and keep experimenting with them until you can master them perfectly.
  3. Xiangyong zeng

    Question 01 ā€“

    In this midterm project, I mastered the skill of pen, and by trying to draw shapes, I could use the Bezier curve well to draw various complex shapes. I also learned the skill of gradient color through this project. I didn’t know that gradient color can change the angle and I didn’t know that I can use more than one color to present a better effect when I didn’t know it. Finally, the most useful technique I learned is that if we want to reproduce the image as it is, we can use the layer darkened to 50% to reproduce the image very easily.

    Question 02-

    We need to practice and use these tools more often to remember them better, and I believe that the brain will remember them through our repeated practice.

    • Erick Fiallos

      Hi Xiangyong,

      I agree with you, the use of the pen tool and the gradients are very useful for practically every design u want to do. So we just have to keep practicing until we can use all of our skills like a pro.

  4. Brendan Montenegro

    Question 01 ā€“

    During this midterm project i’ve learned how to master the pen tool. Through trial and error I think I really got the hang of the bezier curve. I used the pen tool a lot to trace over the original. Another thing I learned during this project is the 3D effect to extrude and bevel. This crated really nice three dimensional shapes with a lighting sources creating a nice shadow. Lastly, I learned how to grab colors from the background while in the gradient palette. This was extremely helpful in creating the gradient effect.

    Question 02 ā€“

    I will remember what I learned by keep practicing my skills and getting really good at them. Moving forward if a client needs these task done I will be confident in completing them myself without watching a tutorial.

  5. David Flores

    I learned a lot during my process of doing my midterm project. One thing I learned was one has to be very precise and careful when utilizing the gradient tool. Even though it was taught in class prior to the mid term project. I learned along the process that colors and the use of angles is truly important. It is important because if not used properly the desired outcome is going to be way off. This really helped me achieve my background & character’s skin, eyes and accessories. Another thing that I learned was creating a glow with gaussian blur. Which can be found in the effect panel-blur-gaussian blur. This tool helped me create my character’s outline glow. Where I selected parts of my character then selected gaussian blur to achieve that glowing effect look. I also utilized the paintbrush tool to make some adjustments to the glow. By selecting a paint brush tool and changing my fill to white and no stroke. One last thing I learned was embedding an image in illustrator. This is important to do because you want to be able to see your images across different devices. I learned other techniques that I did not utilize in my midterm that were demonstrated in class. But I found it very useful which can help me in the near future with a project.

    I will remember what I learned by utilizing them in my many projects to come. Iā€™m also going to keep practicing to master them better. But also just to help me develop my craft as a designer.

    • Xiangyong zeng

      Yes, David, I think only with constant practice can we learn more to become good designers.

  6. Adrika Hoque

    Question 1: In this midterm project, I learned many new techniques on Illustrator to create a graphic poster. I learned how to make clipping masks with objects and textures. To make a clipping mask, select your two objects and make sure the texture you want is arranged to the back and the shape you want cut out is arranged to the front. Select both and go to the menu bar and click object > clipping mask. I also learned how to create my own brush in Illustrator by creating new strokes with the brush (keyboard shortcut b) and making a new art brush. The last thing I learned is how to apply a fur pattern texture to the entire body. I created some “fur” like strokes with the brush tool and created a pattern from it and applied to the body.

    Question 2: To remember everything I’ve learned, I will need to continue to use the skills I learned through more projects. Through retention and repetition, I’ll be able to remember through muscle memory. I’ll also use these skills in future classes using Adobe Illustrator.

    • David Flores

      Yes, I definitely agree in order to remember the skills we have learned during this mid-term is to keep doing them in future projects. Then as you said it will become muscle memory.

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