Online Portfolio Presentation


The presentation of your projects on your OpenLab site represent 25% of your overall grade, it is like your final. Make sure you have all these elements as a webpage not as a document and
under Academic Examples/CDMG 1112.

  1. A bio that gives the reader a strong sense of you as a developing artist and student.
  2. Brand Logo Analysis
  3. Visual quote postcards and your sketches with written captions describing each image
  4. Brooklyn Museum field trip report
  5. Video project
  6. and a banner that represents your world. It can be a picture of your desk or tools you like to use, or a detail of one of your assignments or a collage of several.

Below are links to past students who received excellent grades on their Eportfolio project. These are models for you to follow in doing your own work.

Kevelin Vargas online portfolio

Yarlin Zappata’s online portfolio

Carlos Cruz Villagomez online portfolio

Selene Julian’s online portfolio

The Grading

I will be grading your project with this in mind:

  • Response to the Assignment > 20 points
    Your ePortfolio website should follow all the directions given during the semester, have all the assignments completed and even have added extra material. 
  • The presentation and attractiveness > 20 points
    The pages should look graphically mastered using colors, font variations and images. Your content should be interesting and easy to read. If you understood the subjects we worked on during the semester the ePortfolio should come together easily and nicely. 
  • Creative Use of Technology > 10 points
    Your work should show an innovative use of graphics, sounds, e-mail, hyperlinks, additional software and Internet resources. Surprise me!
  • Writing and Grammar > 20 points
    Your writing should be clear and with perfect spelling. 
  • Personal Reflection and Critical Thinking  > 20 points
    Your thoughts and reflexions about what what you have learnt should be informative, personal and original. Be inventive and smart and find your personal angle. 
  • Punctuality > 10 points
    Respect of the deadline. If you have issues with your assignment don’t hesitate talk to me. I am here to help. If you succeed, we all succeed, and if you fell, we all fell together.

TOTAL > 100 points

How Do I Grade Your Work

  • EXEPTIONAL > 100 points
  • EFFECTIVE > 75 points
  • ACCEPTABLE > 60 points
  • UNSATISFACTORY > 50 points