Category Archives: Mandatory

Sexual Harassement Curriculum

3 Things You Need To Do Before The Field Trip

To go the show at the Brooklyn Museum you need to do these 3 things:

ONE > Take the Sexual Harassment, Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence Curriculum

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the requested information
  3. Select “Submit”
  4. Follow the training prompts, it will take a few minutes.
  5. Enter your email address when requested and select “submit”

TWO > Download and sign the agreement form from the Open Lab.

THREE > Attach and send these 2 files to me at

Subject line of your email should be: First Name + Last Name Field Trip Submission

Name your files as below and save them as PDF.

first name + last name + certificate

first name + last name + agreement

example: valeria-noriega-certificate.pdf and valeria-noriega-agreement.pdf