Quiz #1 Preparation

Review chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook – EXCEPT it will NOT cover color spaces/color models discussed in sections 2.7, pages 38 to the end of the chapter.

  • You must know the file formats below:
       Common Type of Bitmap or Pixel-Based Images Table 2.1 on page 34
       Common File Types of Vector Graphics Table 2.2 on page 35
  • You should know the following terms/concepts for your first quiz:
       Bit Depth
       Lossy Compression
       Lossless Compression
       All Bitmap File formats in chart: JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, etc.
       All Vector File formats in chart: .EPS, .AI, etc.

There are review questions at the end of each chapter and you were to review these questions to prepare for your quiz. You will likely see versions of these questions on your quiz.