PROJECT 1: Video

  1. by the end of the class Wednesday February 2nd, send the pitch explaining your story angle, how you decided to tell the story (about half page).
  2. by Sunday February 6th, 1pm, send the screenplay (about a page).
  3. by Sunday February 13th, 1pm, if you haven’t done it yet, send the screenplay (about a page) with your stroryboard and upload it on your eportfolio.
  4. by Sunday February 20th, 1pm, upload your YouTube video on your ePortfolio.

PROJECT 2: Brand Identity Timeline

  1. by the end of the class Wednesday February 23rd, write a list of links that you will use for your research. Documents, text, photos …..
  2. by Sunday February 27th, 1pm, send a first version of your timeline
  3. by Wednesday March 16th, 1pm,  upload on your ePortfolio a timeline.

SMALL PROJECT 3: Motion Design Interview Report

  1. by Wednesday March 16th, 1pm, write at least a paragraph on what you liked about Michael’s interview.
  2. Comment what you have learnt from him, the softwares he uses, the way he works, his philosophy.

SMALL PROJECT 4: Report on the Documentary about the artist Banksy

  1. by Wednesday March 23rd, 1pm, write at least a paragraph on what you liked about the documentary Exit through the gift shop.
  2. Comment on what the movie made you reflect on. Do you think Banksy is a true artist?

PROJECT 5: Artist Biography Essay

  1. by Sunday March 27th, 1pm, send your 3 choices of artists you think will make a good research.
  2. by Sunday April 3rd, 1pm, write the first draft of your essay and post it. After my comments finalize your paper.
  3. by Wednesday April 13th, 1pm,  upload your paper on your ePortfolio.

PROJECT 6: Poster and Header

  1. by Sunday April 17th, 1pm, send your 2 quote selections and proposals in for of hand drawings or digital sketch for version with type only and the one including an image.
  2. by Sunday April 24th, 1pm, send your 3 favorite variations on the quote you picked for the typography only postcard. See post for baby steps.
  3. by Sunday May 1st 1pm, send your 3 favorite variations on the quote you picked for the illustrated postcard.
  4. by Wednesday May 4th, 1pm,  upload on your ePortfolio.

ePortfolio Project (final)

All your projects on your ePortfolio, by Wednesday May 13th.

Discussions & Comments

Each week, we will have an ongoing discussion topic. Sometimes it will be sparked off by a reading, sometimes you’ll be asked to do some research and post examples that demonstrate your opinions. Always, you’ll be asked to participate in the discussion with clarity and thoughtfulness.

You will have one full week to share your thoughts. This will be counted towards your Participation Grade.

Guidelines for participation:

  • DO READ the whole thread.
  • Comment on the question after checking out any materials provided.
  • Don’t repeat other students.
  • Do reply to other students and build on their ideas.

Good Participation is to comment at least 2 times per discussion. Once at the beginning and once at the end, after reading the thread so your comments are relevant.

For this particular discussion, you can just say you understand or ask a question about our course discussions here.