You will be using a preset Model Course Template to build your model course. The Template utilizes an organizational structure and basic instructional content to help faculty meet the recommended Distance Education and Continuity Best Practices.

Faculty participating in the Model Course Training will be able to access their Model Course Template via the sidebar or the COMD Pedagogy Project > Course list.

  1. Log into OpenLab
  2. Find your course in the sidebar of this training
  3. Click the View Model Course button
  4. Navigate to the Dashboard to edit your Model Course Template
  5. You should have Administrative Access. If not, contact Prof. Spevack or the OpenLab Team.

Working knowledge of OpenLab, WordPress, and the Block Editor is recommended. If you need additional guidance in building your model course, please contact Prof. Spevack for assistance.

Template Tour

Organized with students in mind, the Template is structured with a top-level navigation menu and related sub-sections. It uses pages for static course information and categories menu items for dynamic course activities and student posts.

The template structure also provides a suggested method to organize your footer and sidebar widget areas and comes with several useful plugins pre-activated.

Screencast: Course Template Tour (no audio)