Author: Sara Gómez Woolley (Page 3 of 4)

Week 2 | Sep 7


  • Warm Up Activity
  • Discuss the Reading Nuts & Bolts Ch 1
  • Student Presentations of Homework Assignment 1 (Getting to Know You)

Students have 5 minutes to present: a. Select 2-3 works from 3 artists that are a major influence on your work, or whose career you admire. b. Select 3 of your best pieces of artwork to discuss. c. Please be prepared to speak about how you were influenced, and how that influence is manifested in your current work and what you want to do in this industry.

  • 10-minute Break
  • LECTURE  Editorial Illustration (PDF in Resources)
  • Introduce Project 1
  • Sterling Hundley on Idea Generation
  • 10-minute break
  • INTRODUCE Illustration Heroes Research Assignment
  • Studio – In-Class Research (find an editorial to illustrate/begin your google doc).


  2. Illustration Heroes Google Doc  (See Below)
  3. Continue your Sketchbook.  Play with Personal Style and imagery.   Consider what kind of work you’d like to be hired to make.  DRAW THAT.
  4. Read: Nuts & Bolts Chapter 2
  5. Read: Idea Generation – Jillian Tamaki
  6. Watch Sterling Hundley on Idea Generation
  • If you have not already done so, Join OPENLAB & share your EPortfolio.
  • DISCUSS the readings – in Week 2 Discussion on Course Profile
  • Come next week ready to WORK IN CLASS on your project.


Create a Google Doc to track the information you learn from researching these hero illustrators.  Include things like:

  • Client List
  • Art Directors
  • Markets they work in (Books (Children’s, Sci-Fi, etc., Editorial Illustrations, Advertising)
  • Specific Themes or Subjects they are known for (Political, Dark, Sports,Etc.)
  • Specific Techniques? Hand Lettering for example


Jillian Tamaki on Idea Generation

Please Take a look at the work of Illustrator and Cartoonist Jillian Tamaki.

Read and Discuss Jillian Tamaki, Idea Generation


In a short post discuss the article.  Consider questions like:

What are Concepts?  What methods does Jillian Tamaki use to generate hers?

What are the specific steps she takes?

Do you have other methods unique to your process?


Be POLITE!  Be sure to read each other’s observations BEFORE posting your own.

Yuko Shimizu: Advice for aspiring illustrators

Yuko Shimizu is an award-winning Japanese illustrator based in New York City, currently teaching at the School of Visual Arts.

She is incredibly gracious in sharing processes and advice on her blog for emerging artists. Please read her post, and share your response in the chat below.

While you are at it… Read some of those other posts too! (TIP: Use the filter in the bottom right corner to sort for aspiring artists!)

Week 1 | AUG31


  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Discuss our illustration Goals
  3. Go over Syllabus
  4. Discuss Class Structure
  6. Lecture : Influence & Niche Markets
  7. Introduction to Sketchbook Practice.
  8. Introduction to Professional Practices and Time Management.


  1. ASSIGNMENT 1 : PRESENTATION – Your Personal Style, & Illustration Influences and Goals
  2. Read: Yuko Shimizu: Advice for aspiring illustrators
  3. Read Yuko Shimizu: Visual Vocabulary Post
  4. Begin your Sketchbook! Consider areas of knowledge or passion.  What do you see in your daily life?  START THERE.
  5. Read: Nuts & Bolts A blueprint for a successful illustration career. Part 1
  • Join the OPENLAB & share your EPortfolio.
  • READ ALL instructor posts.  Be sure to comment.
  • Respond to ALL READINGS

Nuts & Bolts: A blueprint for a successful illustration career

Our first reading of the semester will be from:

Nuts & Bolts: A blueprint for a successful illustration career 

Please Read the First Chapter and be prepared to discuss the Chapter as a group next week.  You will find a PDF of the chapter under MENU> COURSE PROFILE > FILES
Please PURCHASE this book as we will use it several times as a reference for the course. 

Visual Vocabulary

This short excerpt from Yuko Shimizu‘s blog post considers the importance of developing a unique visual vocabulary. After reading this prompt, consider how you can use your sketchbook as a tool to develop your own visual vocabulary.  What are your areas of knowledge, passion, or curiosity?



“ I believe many of you who are reading my blog are aspiring illustrators. If you are, here is something you may want to remember, or to work on, if your art school instructors haven’t taught you already: we have to be remembered by something we are good at, so when a prospective client sees a topic that needs to be illustrated, they know who to call.


The most obvious themes prospective clients think of in connection with my work are Japanese or Chinese themes. I am Japanese, but I had also studied Cantonese for three years, and I have strong interest in Chinese culture. And people somehow see that in my work. There are other themes, like sexy girls, action and sports, comic-book look, snow, and water and underwater themes.”


What kind of things / themes are you interested in drawing?

What visuals might become important visual signatures for you?



Getting Started

New to Openlab?

Follow these instructions to create an account and then join the course.

Follow these instructions if you need help joining this course.

Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, rather than your real name. Your avatar does not need to be a picture of your face–just something that identifies you on the OpenLab.


If you have any questions, please reach out via email.

If you need help using the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.

Uploading Instructions

Upload your Portfolio Projects from this semester into your ePortfolio.  


Be sure to give the artwork a title. 

How to Post to our class: On this class site, go to Post located on the left > Give post a title in the subject line  > Write a brief description of the art work in the Comments space > Just above your title click on the Add Media icon (it looks like a camera on top of a music note) and browse for your image file > Click Insert > Choose the appropriate Category from the list on the right > Click Publish at the top right.

How to Post to your ePortfolio:  Go to Dashboard > New Page > Pages > Add New > Locate “Parent” in the Page Attributes > choose “Academics” from the pull-down menu. In the Title area of your ePortfolio, be sure to write the course code COMD 3363.  Also be sure to Publish, and invite me to join your ePortfolio.  In settings, be sure to state either “Public” or “Private>visible to City Tech members.”  Otherwise no one will be able to see what you’ve posted.

To take photos of your work, find a spot with even light so that you will have no shadows or strange light gradations across the drawing.  Frame the drawing so there is a small even frame on all sides.  Optimize the file, or reduce it to 72 dpi, with a file size no more than 1MB (about 8-9 inches on one side). Rotate it if necessary to it uploads right-side-up. USE photo-correcting apps.  Increase the contrast so that delicate drawing lines are visible.

Hello & Welcome!

Welcome to Advanced Strategies in Illustration!

We will be spending this semester preparing to enter the world of Professional Illustration. This is an in-person class and will be a combination of lectures and studio work.

We will be meeting on campus (N-1118) and will have an online Dropbox to access course materials and upload projects.  



This course is broken into 4 course goals: 

Portfolio Pieces (Style and Niche)

Professional Skills (Briefs and Process)

Business Practices (Contracts, Billing, Mailers)

Internet Identity & Marketing (Social Media and online presence)


This class will be a combination of lectures, guest speakers, and studio work.  We will be drawing in class every time we meet, so DO NOT COME TO CLASS WITHOUT YOUR MATERIALS. We have 15 sessions together, and many issues to cover.

On this site, you will have access to materials presented in class, assignments, readings, and additional helpful resources.  Here you will also post your work in progress to share with your classmates.

New to OpenLab – Click here to Get Started.  Also carefully read the directions in the UPLOADING INSTRUCTIONS POST on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio.

Happy Drawing!


— Professor Woolley




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