You will be graded on 4 major projects and portfolio review. All grades are based on an A-F Scale. A grading rubric be provided for all projects, it will establish the grading criteria. Any projects handed in late, after the beginning of class, will be automatically knocked down a letter grade. Projects that are two classes late will be automatically graded as a D. Not handing in a project is an automatic F.

Project 1 20%
Project 2 20%
Project 3 20%
Project 4 20%
Portfolio Presentation 8%
Attendance & Class Participation 12%
Total 100%

Grading Rubric

Options for Meaningful Participation

Even if students canā€™t attend (or fully attend) synchronous sessions, they could maintain engagement with this course on a weekly basis viaā€¦

  • Updates, reflections, or journalsā€”shared with the class, a peer group, or the instructor
  • Low-stakes written reflection on course contentā€”e.g. discussion board or blog posts
  • Low-stakes completion of sample problems or quizzes
  • An ungraded assessmentĀ that students complete after a synchronous session or after viewing recorded material)
  • Turning in other assignments that demonstrate achievement of the courseā€™s learning goals
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