PowerPoint and Homework: Aug. 31st

Wednesday, Aug. 31st PowerPoint and Homework

This week’s PowerPoint: The Link

Homework Assignment:

**Write your response to the reading in the comments below! Read your classmate’s responses! Maybe even write a response to them! Engage in a discussion! Have fun! The responses to each question should generally be at least 2-3 sentences, if not more. Make sure to respond in complete sentences and to add lots of detail and substance! **

Read and write a response to “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn 

    • What did you think of the piece? Did you like it? Or not? Why? Explain! (Don’t worry my feelings won’t be hurt! Be honest!)
    • What tips or ideas did you learn about how to Read Like a Writer? How might you apply it (use it) when you read? Identify at least 3 and explain them! In 2-3 sentences! 
    • Can you explain what you think the author means when he says, “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” (74). Be specific. Share a personal example, if possible.
    • Let’s think about the “context” of this text. What is the author (Mike Bunn’s) purpose in writing this piece? Who is his intended audience?
    • What is the genre of this text? It’s okay if you don’t know! Just give it a shot! (Remember the genre is TYPE of writing– for example, essay, article, poem, etc.)
    • What did you notice about HOW this text was written? Choose one observation!


  1. Account Deleted

    1.I think this work is an emotional and authentic work. I think I like it because it explains in depth how readers perceive their own writing as a writer.
    2.When reading like a writer, make an effort to make choices about the ideas you create as you write. Try to understand how the authors put together the articles in different permutations. Or think about how the author’s technique makes you understand the article and feel what it is.
    3.I think what the author wants to express in this passage is that when you write an article or text like a writer, what kind of thoughts and mood do you write with.
    4.The author describes his experience and the content of his work in the first half. In later parts the author begins to show how he works in a repressive environment. At first he was reading, then he gradually realized that writing was a step-by-step process. Various paragraphs and words need to be linked together into an essay.
    5.I think the type of this article is prose. The author tries to combine different ideas and experiences and techniques to create the article.
    6.What I noticed about this article was that the author was combining his work with the writing inspired by reading in a repressive environment.

  2. Jaden Schultz-Glenn

    1. I think this work represents a point of view how readers and writers feel. It was very informative because of how it was preseneted showing the difference and comparisons of both sides
    2. I learned that there are many different types of writing techniques. A tip to remember is that to allows ask yourself questions when reading. Also learned that when composing a writing I must understand first the ideas that’s coming together
    3. When the author says that I think he means the way you read something you can show the emotion of what the writer might’ve been feeling, their writing normally expresses how they feel
    4.His purpose in writing this piece is to show how reading and writing go hand and hand, and shows us how to write well. His intended audience is students
    5. This genre is an essay because it has citations at the end
    6. This text was written at first based off factual evidence , his own feelings , giving out advice or asking questions

  3. Omar Apreza

    1 what I think about the author was a great work on how the aspect of both sides point of view should understand about each other on what genre a reader should understand.
    2 what I learned on three ideas about the book was how the writer should understand the reader way of explaining the story. And that the reader should understand on what the writer should understand the author point of view. That the author relate to and architecture which I’m majoring on that you have an idea for your structure.
    3 what the writer meant was that being a writer is like doing construction having the image in your mind about doing something and building your way up to complete it and have result.
    4 the author writing this piece was showing both concepts being a reader and writer on how it would explain how we think about each other way of reading and understand there point of view.
    5 i really don’t know what genre it is but I’ll guess that it would be a fictional story.
    6 the text was giving evidence how a person perspective view of reading and writing having the image telling a story.

  4. Biana

    1. Honest the content was so well-written and presented in a way that brought the processing of how the writer recognized their sentiments, I must note that this work successfully arouses the feelings of the writers and readers.
    2.I discovered that it depends on the decision you make. Take notes when you read, and while you’re doing it, ask yourself questions. Additionally, try to comprehend the writer’s viewpoints.
    3. When he said that, I believe he was referring to how you can put yourself in the story’s shoes and understand what the author is trying to convey if it resonates with you. For instance, if you had a difficult childhood and were reading a book about it, you would experience the emotions the author is trying to convey.
    4. The author’s statement that “writing is a word by word, sentence by sentence process” was intended to demonstrate that you don’t have to be a good reader to be a writer. You may master writing by taking things slowly and methodically.
    5.the genre of this text is to show the prospective…
    6.I notice how he started from his root background and how he’s trying to get the reader attention and how he get his way to the main topic

  5. Danielle

    I really liked this piece because the author gave useful information that will help me be a better writer. This essay introduced me to an idea I’ve never been taught by any English teacher ever which is crazy to me because this sounds like the cheat code to being a better writer although I feel like this should’ve been common sense. I say this because I am a content creator on YouTube so normally when I watch other creators’ videos I am more so analyzing the plot of their video and what they do to keep me engaged and certain edits they do instead of watching for entertainment.

    One tip I learned to read like a writer is that it’s important to read with a highlighter to always mark up your text. Annotate to identify writing techniques the author uses that you would want to use in your writing as well. I also learned that before you even start reading you should ask yourself “what is the author’s purpose for this piece of writing?” And “who is the intended audience?”. You do this because it will help you decide what you are expecting from this writing piece and you will be able to compare the differences between your expectation and the actual piece and then also question the advantages and disadvantages of the writer’s choices.

    When the author says “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” he means that we are now supposed to look at writing pieces and analyze what writing techniques were used to make the piece what it is and determine if it was effective or no and if we should use it in our writing.

    Mike Bunn’s purpose for writing this essay was to encourage writers, specifically college students, to start reading as writers to better their writing skills.

    I feel like the genre of “How to read like a Writer” is an educational essay because it educates you on how to grow as a writer.

    I feel like this text was written in a Q&A format. Because each section would start with a question on the top which indicated that the paragraph will have the answer. I like this format because it made the reading easier to break down and comprehend. I feel like this format made the essay very organized.

  6. Ronald Weise

    I think that this reading is very useful because at first I was very confused at the title cause I didn’t know what the author had meant by saying “How to Read Like a Writer” but as I read I learned some new interesting ways to interact and read new text
    Something I learned was to always ask yourself why the hour would do that and what they are trying to tell you with certain parts of there writing. This can help you find the overall message the other was trying to tell the reader by putting together the smaller message to see the bigger picture.
    I think what the author mean by this statement is to break down the reading into the basic part so that you are able to put it back together and analyze it what was used to make his writing effective. And by breaking text apart it is easier to see the author writing techniques and to see how they brought the text together
    I think that the author purpose is to educate people on the correct way to view and analyze text. Also that you can read other peoples text and use what you read to help improve your skills as a writer
    If i had to choose a genre for this article i would choose Educational Article because I learned new ways to look at a text and he showed how you can learn to be a better writer by reading and analyzing other peoples writing if you do it correctly.
    I feel like the author was talking straight to me when I was reading and that made his writing more effective. The way the author writes also made me want to read the rest because they made it very interesting by asking questions and making me think

  7. Shirley Hun

    1.I enjoyed reading this text, especially since i could really understand his experiences. Also, the contents gave me a new perspective on the concept of reading to write. To be honest, it’s very new to me and this the first time I heard of it.

    2.Some things I learned is to start asking questions to myself before reading. We as readers should also understand the context, and genre of a piece. To think carefully about the choices, and techniques of a writing, so when applied can evoke the best reaction from readers.

    3.When the author says this, he means that we shouldn’t just be reading for the sake of going through words. But reading to learn, and gain knowledge/techniques. We as readers should analyze parts carefully to figure what makes up the piece and how it can convey its emotions. We can then decide to use these techniques when we write for ourselves.

    4.I believe the authors purpose was to help people who in the field of writing. By giving tips and techniques that will help them grow. The intended audience seems to be for anyone who is reading and writing. Specifically college students since they are mentioned in the text.

    5.The genre was a educational essay, he gives a lot of information on the topic of writing.

    6.I noticed that in this piece the author uses a lot of first person point of view, referring to “I” multiple times. In this way it feels more personal, and I feel more connected to this piece, as it seems like the author is genuinely trying to help readers. He has a question format and a lot of cited works to demonstrate his points as well.

  8. Sophie Sall

    1. I think this was a really informative piece. I liked it because it’s written in an easy way for everybody to understand. It also has great examples that help you understand the different parts easily.

    2. I learned many tips about reading like a writer. The first tip is to identify the genre. I might apply that to my reading by paying attention to the words that the author uses as well as what type of quote, dialogue or language was included in the reading.
    The second one is to draw conclusions. That means trying to anticipate the ending and thinking about what would happen next in the reading ,if I was the one who wrote it. Even if the reading doesn’t end the way I predicted, I can ask myself why the author chose an ending over another and that would show me what the writer is trying to convey.
    Third tip I learned is to ask myself questions. The next time I read, I will ask myself question that are going to help me understand the reading and the author’s perspective better.

    3. When the author says “ when you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to “build” one for yourself”, he means that by paying attention to how a writer wrote his text, you will be able to take the same techniques as him and use them when you write your own text. For example when I read, I like to pay attention to the words writers use to blend their sentences smoothly and use them in my own writings.

    4. The author’s purpose in writing this piece is to make people understand how to read like a writer and therefore help them develop new skills about reading and writing. The intended audience is students or people who read or write in general.

    5. This text is an essay.

    6. I noticed that this text was written with many good examples. The fact that the author included students’ opinions and tips is really good because it helps readers relate more.

  9. Jesus

    1. I liked this writing piece because I found it useful and helpful. The author brings new ideas and how to approach a different way of reading not to just gain information but to also understand how the author was writing and how to interpret it into your own writing.
    2. One tip i learned was how to interpret reading as a writer. As in how to read and thinking about the choices the writer makes in their own writing, in example from the 2nd paragraph on page 72 the author says to examine what you are reading and to think about techniques the writer uses and how you can also apply those same things in your own writing. Taking notes while reading can also be very helpful any ideas that come to you while reading something and jotting them down is good.
    3. I think what the author means when he says that is paying attention to how the writing is formed is important as you can also use the same form to help in your own writing. As in it helps you a lot learning how the writer uses things in their own writing to make it better. Adding on from what the writer does helps form stronger writing, combining your own stuff with what they also do good.
    4. Mike Bunn’s purpose in writing this is to help people how to become better writers. He is giving out helpful and useful information to help new writers as well as any writers as they can also improve in what they are doing. His intended audience can be just about anyone but mostly writers trying to improve their own writing as well as anyone seeking for more help.
    5. This type of writing is informational writing, Mike Bunn is giving information about the topic of reading/writing and brings new ideas on how to become a better writer.
    6. Mike Bunn uses personal experiences to give the reader the sense that he is just like them, that he also learned how to read like a writer and is passing it along to them. That’s how i see it and for me it makes me go well if he was able to learn this and also use it in his own writing what is stopping me from doing so.
  10. Andrea ortiz

    1)In my opinion, is s filled with emotion. the reason why I enjoyed it was that it thoroughly describes how writers view their own work.

    2) something I learned was to make notes of writing strategies the writer uses that I want to incorporate into my own writing.

    3) I think the author meant that when reading we should pick up on the techniques they use so we could use them later on in our writing.

    4) This text is an essay.

    5) His format is more of questions and answers.

  11. Tonny Lin

    1. I like how this peice really explain that writers, write for a purpose and a target audience and how the writer make a lot of choices in their writing. As a reader we need to understand the writer.
    2. You can ask a lot of question about why and who the writer is writing this for and for what purpose.”What is the author’s purpose for this piece of writing?”(79) and who is this writing for.These question can bring a deeper understanding of the writer. We can also look for choices they made in the writing such as the tone and language of the writing.
    3. “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” (74), I think this quote means that you have to understand why the writer is using these choices so you can also use that kind of stucture
    4. Mike Bunn is targeting and inspiring reader to become better writer as to write something you need to understand how it is written. You have to make a lot of choices in writting.
    5. I think this is just a nonfiction text of someone’s life along with giving information on how reading like a writer can help you become a better writer .
    6. This author chunks the piece into 10 section with each section explaing a different thing about Reading Like a Write, such as how why and what it is
  12. Giselle Tlapechco

    The piece was informative but I didn’t enjoy it because I prefer reading books for entertainment rather than thinking about the author’s purpose or intention towards the audience. However I did enjoy the helpful tips in order to improve reading like a writer. I really enjoy it when it’s not just the author helping the audience. In this case there were other college students giving advice on what helped them become a better reader and what helped them understand the text better. 

    I learned that by reading slower and word by word it can help think about the process of writing for the author and can help think about the purpose the writing has on the audience. Another tip was to think about the choices made in writing such as why did the author start a certain or whether you would start the same or differently, this tip is helpful because there are many choices that need to be made when writing. Lastly, would be to create questions as we read, we can do this by our reactions towards the text.

    The author means that you need to fully understand a concept in order to learn the actual skill. An example would be that in my construction drawing class I needed to learn how to write letters in a certain way but before I began to do my work the professor explained and showed us the result explaining step by step and now I am doing the work on my own.

    The reason for Bunn writing this piece is to give advice to people who want to improve their writing through reading. To think about the skills used in reading in order to have more options to write. 

    I think this text is an explanation because Bunn constantly gives information about the step by step process authors may take in their writing and how the audience can take notes on on the techniques used.

    An observation I made about how the text was written was the layout, there are many bullet points which shows a step by step process.

  13. Christopher Mathurin

    • I enjoyed the writing because it’s an informative piece that helps me and the author made it very clear when explaining
    • One of the tips that I liked that the author used was to look at the writing technique. this can help because it  can show who the author is trying to cater to while writing
    • the genre of this text is an essay
    • When the author says “ when you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to “build” one for yourself”, he’s try to say if you read the text if you were the one too write it i will be easier to understand.
    • I think thew reason the author wrote this text was to inform the readers. I feel as if he wrote this people in schools.
    • what I noticed about this text was that he sectioned off each key point that he was trying to get across
  14. idhraq1

    1. I thought this piece was fine. It went in-depth and used many sources throughout history in which this topic was indirectly mentioned, from many different writers, and gave you straightforward advice on what to do.
    2. 3 tips I learned was one, always think about the context of the piece, when it was written, where, by whom, etc. to have further understanding. Another is to constantly ask questions, mostly “How”, asking how the author made me feel or learn. And finally, to think of writing like an architect. What are the steps and pieces needed to make this piece?
    3. He means to think about how every choice was made. Every word or sentence was a choice from the author, and to think like a writer, you have to try and comprehend what went into all these small details in order to write this bigger piece and to use that knowledge to write your own piece in a similar way.
    4. His intended audience is college students or other young aspiring writers. Considering he clearly states some suggestions are from former students and mentions college students quite frequently, giving advice on how to read like a writer, this is meant as an educational piece.
    5. The text is an informative essay, giving the reader information on how to do a thing and providing context on what that thing means.
    6. This text is written like a more professional version on how I’d write my essays. It is filled with examples from other sources, and he expands on those to give his own advice and thoughts.
  15. Anthony Guerrero

    1) I did not like the piece, even though it was informative, it wasn’t for me. 2) 3 tips I saw were to try and use quotes from powerful people in history to grab ones attention, try to see how the text was constructed so you yourself can build it one day, and every time that we read, we can learn more about it because us ourselves are writers as well. 3) The author means that in order for someone to fully understand what they’ve read, they also have to understand what is being written, how, and why, kinda like figuring out the steps to how the text was formed. 4) His audience is definitely targeted towards students. 5) The genre is most likely an article as he is trying to inform the reader, 6) the text was written as if the writer was giving a ted talk.

  16. Taharqa Rogers

    1. This piece of writing is educational. I liked it due to how simple the topic of reading was amplified by the use of a technique such as RLW. I fit the description of the audience for the book. 
    2. I learned that reading like a writer goes a lot more in-depth than just reading. Understanding the audience that it is written for, context, genre, or even whom its written by all is a part of RLW These examples are the building blocks of the writing piece, and understanding them like an architect is the main idea of RLW. I would apply this technique in everyday reading to enhance my ability as a reader and writer. 
    3. The author, Mike Bunn is trying to articulate the means of RLW. From my standpoint, it means to have enough understanding of how the text was created step by step that you can replicate it yourself. 
    4. Mike Bunn’s purpose in writing this piece is to shine a light on a simple day to day reading and how to strengthen it like a reader. His intended audience is general and can be teaching anybody who reads. However, I feel as though the writing speaks more to students and people of education. 
    5. The genre of this text is an informative essay. 
    6. The text was written step by step on how to RLW. It was written to engage readers in reading by giving them examples and asking the reader questions with bullet points. 
  17. Lourdes

    1. I enjoy this piece of writing because it was evident and educational, which will help me write more effectively in the future.
    2. Tips: I learned that while you read you should try to think from the author’s perspective and always question the things you read. For example, Why did the author choose to write a specific word? Or why did the author choose to start off with a quote?
    3. I think the author is saying based on this “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” because you have a better understanding of how to connect with the reader when writing, you become a better writer when you read the text in the writer’s position.
    4. The audience of the writing is mainly students. the purpose is to educate us to read everything carefully and to write better in order for us to learn more quickly.
    5. the genre is an informative essay.
    6. I noticed that this writing has a lot of questions and examples.
  18. Lourdes

    1. I liked this writing since it was informative and gave the advice to help me improve as a writer by discussing different strategies.
    2. What I learned is to always think from the author’s perspective like why did choose to write that word? and to ask myself stuff like ” what was the purpose of this writing?”
    3. I think that the author is attempting to emphasize how important it is to pay attention to the writing, especially the wording. Because of the fact that every author writes in a different way, it is also important to concentrate on the author’s writing style.
    4. the audience is the students. and the purpose of this writing is to inform students about the benefits of reading like a writer and how reading may help people become better writers.
    5. I think the genre of this text is an informative article
  19. Allison Tang

    1. The article was very informative but very boring. I felt like a lot of the same ideas were repeated.
    2. The author encourages people to try to ” read like a writer” by questioning the choices ana author makes. For example, looking at the techniques a writer uses and to ask questions such as “what is the author’s purpose for this piece of writing” and “what is the intended audience”.
    3. He is saying that by doing this you will be able to learn how to write for yourself.
    4. His purpose is to teach others how to read. His intended audience are readers.
    5. The genre is informative essay.
    6. The author uses a lot of examples from his students.
  20. Brandon Berdosana

    1)I loved the text only because I was able to learn from the text. It’s an educational piece that advises new writers to write in depth within their writing. I love how he bring my own major of engineering into play when talking about how to read and how to write.

    B)Moving forward after Listening to the reading (yes I listened to it because reading distracts me) I want to now understand why a reading is important to me. What is it about the topic or the message that I grasp from the reading… My question is now… does everything I read and retain have some connection to who I am as a person? I want to examine the beginning and endings of the stories I read because they have significance as to why is it the beginning and not the end.

    C)I think the author wants us as the reader to start examining the choices of authors within texts. Why does the author ask this? Or What could the author do differently when…? If we are able to understand these reasons we can incorporate them into our writing.

    D)The purpose for writing this text is to help those who need or want to understand how a text is written. The intended audience may be those who are achieving an higher education.

    E)I think the genre is an informative essay/ an educational piece. I am not sure maybe there is a more specific term for it… I say this because throughout the text the author makes it clear he wants us to understand the architect of a text.

    F)I noticed the text was broken up into sections. A new section has a question and the text that follows has the answer and explanation. “Why we read like a writer” for example is bolded and is the starter of a new paragraph within the text.

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