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HW 5 – Sanders (March 13th)


Homework 5: “How coronavirus stress may scramble our brains” by Laura Sanders

Read “How coronavirus stress may scramble our brains” by Laura Sanders and write responses to the following questions . Please be very specific in your response. Add details and examples from the text. Add quotations (and citations!)


  1. What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you find any parts interesting? Did you learn something new?
  2. Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?
  3. How do you know that this is an example of a feature article? Be specific!
  4. What did you notice about how the author wrote this piece? Maybe the tone (formal, informal, humorous, casual, etc), or the use of ethos (statistics and facts) or the use of pathos (emotion) or the use of logos (logic)?
  5. What stands out to you– what do you like/ dislike about this writer’s style?  What are you confused by? What do you want to know more about? Pay special attention to how this author uses research (outside facts, statistics, history, news, interviews) etc in their writing.
  6. What did you learn from reading this feature article? How did this author use research? How do they use personal experience? Did the author tell any stories (anecdotes)?

UNIT 1, Day 5: Wed. Feb. 22nd

Project 1: Step 2: Write a description of your word or phrase AND show the word or phrase in action. It should be about 750 words in total.

Bring into class a print copy.

DUE Feb. 27th

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