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Category: Unit 3 (Page 3 of 17)

Rough Draft of Artist Statement Week13(11/18)

My inspiration stemmed from the worldā€™s current situation, all the information I have observed and gather over the past few months. Information that ranges from the situation in yemen, the global pandemic , hurricanes, climate change etc. I just wanted to know why, what is the purpose of all this anguish, what is our purpose of living. My research is for everyone , who needs a gentle reminder that thereā€™s hope and love. I chose both terms to speak on , because IĀ  was able to provide factual information, to educate my audience on both terms , while also providing the views of other writers. Throughout my research, I did encounter some sensitive sub-topics, that I left out of my writing, to avoid any personal triggers to my audience. I also wanted to use various genres, in which I extract my information from. While learning this during my research, it helps me understand what to include and what to exclude in my future writing based on my audience. The abundance of information is there for a reason, as the reader and writer , the power you have , to chose what goes in and what comes out , is extremely important.

With gaining a new way of thinking, it is the reason I chose to tell my piece in a way that I have never seen before. I decided to do a video , which consists of affirmations , a little background on my research , photos and videos of people , while also me being the narrator. Also , I decided including quotes from my research and asking my audience questions throughout the video, would give my video narrative video life. Choosing beautiful images , that captures the eye of the audience was also important, so that I was able to bring my vision to life. I also chose, this narrative video, because I have never done something like it before, so I wanted to challenge myself to see , if I could really execute my vision. Also, the style in which I was narrating , I spoke to my audience in a way , that would give them a feeling as if , I was infront of them speaking to them.

Unit 3 New genre ( Audience)

Thank you all for being here for today’s important discussion, for continuing to demonstrate
your commitment to the present issue. We’ve discussed at length the importance of
responding to the specific needs of girls and girls in humanitarian crises and also the dire
circumstances many Latina women and girls find themselves within the USA. We’ve
stressed the importance of not only meeting these needs but also ensuring that we’re
grounding our support and interventions in strategies that build their resilience and empower
them-to make just and equal societies and intuitions.And yet a way to try this effect
continues to be our common challenge.We all know that refugee female-headed
households not sharing resources with other households are those most susceptible to
insecurity.We all know that gender-based violence and violence against women continues to destroy
the lives of girls and girls across the region, and prolonged displacement will deepen and
exacerbate this.We all know that women’s rates of empowerment amongst the refugee
community remain woefully low.
Today, I shall speak on behalf of countless voiceless Latina women that are left in despair
thanks to illegal immigration status.Abusive and controlling men are continuously exploiting
and blackmailing them. Our Latina girls face domestic abuse. But they do not report their
cases because of the fear of being deported.Violence Against Women Act(VAWA) could be
a significant institution to assist refugees to cope with violence. Today we shall raise their
voice,we shall uncover the molested rights of our Latina sisters. We acknowledge that
there’s lots of labor that has been put by VAWA because it was signed into office by
respected president William Jefferson Clinton and it proved to be the largest source of
refuge for girls that suffer from any kind of violence. in keeping with research, it’s been
known that between the years 2005 and 2007 almost 1,116,000 people have received
VAWA has proved a focus in guarding the rights of refugees and helping them to place an
end to the continued issue of abuse against women.I examine a girl named Costa, she said
that her boyfriend exploited her by restricting her freedom by blackmailing her with police as
she was an undocumented immigrant. This issue also highlights the oppressed women
Today I’m here to aware all those Latina women who are tormented by this trouble.You
guys don’t have to panic, you guys don’t have to feel helpless, you guys don’t have to feel
oppressed because VAWA has given you guys the proper to petition against abusive
husbands,boyfriends,or anyone else. The spots like Dallas,la,Denver,Houston and urban
centers where Latino communities have grown up to 44% and domestic abuse has dropped
to 16%. We are here to empower and strengthen you guys whose voice has not been raised
appropriately.I assure you that you simply guys are visiting to get your rights to guard your
dignity,pride,and faith.
Moreover, a replacement law has been implemented referred to as FD4,which mandated
that every one of the local officials must report detaining requests and if not could face
serious fines and prosecution. We don’t seem to be inquisitive about somebody’s
immigration status,we are only interested in providing the right to our Latina community, and
that we will.
The wail of the immigrant Latina Women exploited in agony has been heard and you guys
don’t seem to be alone, we are with you, and that we are visiting to fight for you. The hour
requires that you just guys should bear in mind the fact that you just have gotten rights and
you’ll benefit yourself by them. We are raising our voice to allow you guys to be powerful and
know that you just can evolve too. We are raising our voices to form awareness for our
unsanctioned Latina women and allow them to know that we feel their pain and allow them
to know that there’s someone who is fighting for them to protect their integrity.You guys may
find respite within the aid that VAWA should offer violence is violence, regardless of the
immigration status of someone. Everyone has the proper to induce support from the officials
and government if their life is being threatened and violated. you ought to not be scared to
hunt help because the rules and regulations are made to guard you to not harm you.
There are plenty of successful Latina women and if we empower this community then it can
sway allow them to play an important role within the country. We cannot allow anybody to
suppress justified human rights.
I want to make sure our Latina women who are suffering and that we shall try our maximum reiugees.
Today I’m here to aware all those Latina women who are tormented by this trouble.You
guys don’t have to panic, you guys don’t have to feel helpless, you guys don’t have to feel
oppressed because VAWA has given you guys the proper to petition against abusive
husbands,boyfriends,or anyone else. The spots like Dallas,la,Denver,Houston and urban
centers where Latino communities have grown up to 44% and domestic abuse has dropped
to 16%. We are here to empower and strengthen you guys whose voice has not been raised
appropriately. I assure you that you simply guys are visiting to get your rights to guard your
dignity, pride, and faith.
Moreover, a replacement law has been implemented referred to as FD4,which mandated
that every one of the local officials must report detaining requests and if not could face
serious fines and prosecution. We don’t seem to be inquisitive about somebody’s
immigration status, we are only interested in providing the right to our Latina community,and
that we will.
The wail of the immigrant Latina Women exploited in agony has been heard and you guys
don’t seem to be alone, we are with you, and that we are visiting to fight for you. The hour
requires that you just guys should bear in mind the fact that you just have gotten rights and
you’ll benefit yourself by them. We are raising our voice to allow you guys to be powerful and
know that you just can evolve too. We are raising our voices to form awareness for our
unsanctioned Latina women and allow them to know that we feel their pain and allow them
to know that there’s someone who is fighting for them to protect their integrity. You guys may
find respite within the aid that VAWA should offer violence is violence,regardless of the
immigration status of someone.Everyone has the proper to induce support from the officials
and government if their life is being threatened and violated. you ought to not be scared to
hunt help because the rules and regulations are made to guard you to not harm you.
There are plenty of successful Latina women and if we empower this community then it can
sway allow them to play an important role within the country. We cannot allow anybody to
suppress justified human rights.
I want to make sure our Latina women who are suffering and that we shall try our maximum
to secure their genuine rights. Don’t fear anyone who is assaulting your rights instead you
must raise your voice and let the suppressors face the results. Our country is thought for
Justice and equality and that we shall not allow anybody to attack the sovereignty of the
country. Nobody is above the law and everybody is guaranteed to follow it. we’d like to make
sure that we are raising the tide of everyone, not only refugees but also of these living within
the communities generously hosting them. Many of those communities also are challenged
by structural gender inequalities, and only until we also address these within the institutions
and organizations that serve refugees,can we observe our commitments to handle gender
inequalities within the refugee populations.
We need an accountability framework that ensures that we all live up to the world
commitments that we’ve made-in particular a number of those I just listed that were made
at the planet Humanitarian Summit-as detailed within the Grand Bargain. We should
measure our success not just in whether needs are met,but also whether through meeting
those needs we’ve also empowered those we are serving and worked to make sure equality
between men and women.
In the end, I want to say that we are here to help our Latina women refugees community. We
are and we will succeed in our efforts. Thank You!

Unit 3 with Artist Statement

‘Afterlife’ feels ‘even more real than real,’ researcher says

By Ben Brumfield, CNN

Updated 5:21 AM ET, Wed April 10, 2013

Scans compare neurological activity in a brain that is healthy, one that is comatose and another that is dead


Ā I have researched a lot about my topic ” Is there life and existence after physical death.? I studied the doctrines of Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Muslim religions about this question and summarised their teachings. I also looked into the teachings of some philosophical schools, and I collected the personal interview of the people who had near-death experiences. My last genre which I would like to present, I think, is the most valuable. The article “Afterlife feels even more real than real researcher says” presents the scientific argument about life after death. It is helpful and more persuasive to a more rational and scientific audience since there is no religious point of view and no religious bios. The article provides only scientific data and explores the afterlife based on the neuroscientists’ observation and conclusion. Doctor Steven Laureys, a neuroscientist at the university hospital in Liege, and his colleagues published a scientific study on NDE. Doctor Laureys works in this field for quite a while. He observed and interviewed many clinically dead patients or in a coma who came back to life. There is strong evidence that life after death feels “even more real than real” His team wanted to monitor the human brain’s function during NDE, but it is challenging to observe. He says, “it would be cruel to run brain scans on someone who was possibly facing the moment of death.” As an alternative option, the scientists did the memory characteristics questionnaire tests. These tests collected information about people’s memories of life events and emotions and compared them with NDE accounts. NDE events were more real, more vivid, and richer even they took place a long time ago. “The memories of these experiences beat all other memories, hands down, for their vivid sense of reality…Even if the patient had the experience a long time ago, its memory was as rich as though it was yesterday.” These people were asked about their certainty level, and all of them agreed that it was not imagined or dreamed but real.

What do those people who experienced clinical death tell? According to Laureys, many stories have similar elements, like seeing one’s own body on an operation table, going through a black tunnel, and sometimes seeing religious images of Buddha, Jesus, or Muhammed during NDE.


Going through a black tunnel


Seeing one’s own body on an operation table


However, Doctor Laureys tries to leave religion out and explain what happened in scientific and medical terms. He states that near-death experience originates in human physiology. When the brain becomes dysfunctional, it produces these phenomena. Laureys claimes that there cannot be a conscious experience without brain activity. The mind having the NDE may be functioning minimally, but it is still alive, Laureys hypothesized. Laureys and his team of professors neurosciences recognize that there is still a need for better research in this field, and more scientists get involved. Ā 


Remember about death, and you will not sin. People are born to die, and it is a simple fact of life. The topic that I chose for my research is about life after death and how it is relevant. When I was growing up in a little village in Ukraine, I would sometimes go to awake. I was always wondering what happens to dead people. Can they hear and see us when we go to a funeral? What do they feel, where are they going? When I am dead, what would happen to me? These thoughts and questions prompted me to do this research.Ā Up until now, I have collected different genres. These are the teaching of the major religious traditions about the afterlife. Philosophical arguments about the same question, personal accounts of the people who have experienced NDE (near-death experiences.) I also recently came across the article ā€œā€˜Afterlifeā€™ feels ā€˜even more real than real,ā€™ researcher says,ā€ by Ben Brumfield. It is a CNN article about the topic from the point of view of neuroscience. This last source has a lot of exciting perspectives on what medical doctors say. It is also interesting to know what non-religious sources say about the afterlife. Doctor Laureys heads theĀ Coma Science GroupĀ at the university hospital in the city of Liege. According to his research, people who had NDE and returned to everyday life say the experience was something they will never forget. Laureys noted that he and his group of scientists wanted to find out what happened with the brain when it was dead, and there was no consciousness activity. It is difficult to do this research when a patient experiences clinical death to determine the brainā€™s state. These scientists decided to do a survey and ask people the most vivid memories in their lives. Among those who participated in the survey, people who had NDE said that it was the most extraordinary real event that they ever lived through. In this article, the author also calls upon the authority of the American Psychological Association. APA defines near-death experiences as ā€œprofound psychological events with transcendental and mystical elements, typically occurring to individuals close to death or in situations of intense physical or emotional danger.ā€Ā I am pleased I have this valuable input from the point of view of neuroscientists. In my research of the topic, I hope to appeal to academics and philosophers, to people who try to verify the truth in sense experience, the logical positivists, agnostics, and even atheists. This last genre can be of particular interest to them since there is no religious bias here, and the data is understandable.Ā This article also has a helpful photo. It shows the human brainā€™s three images: ordinary consciousness, cardiac arrest, and brain death, which also adds some extra useful information.Ā It has been quite a journey in the research that I have made. Now I know a lot more than before. The thought of death became a reality of something that should not be frightful.

Where, o death, is your victory? Where, o death is your sting? (1 Cor. 15:55.)



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