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Category: Unit 2 (Page 4 of 37)

Unit 2 Final Draft Annotated Bibliography due on 10/31

My research question is that “In the last fifty years, how has technology adapted over that time period and how has that changed the world that we live in”. The reason why I’m interested in this question is because technology is a very complex topic and it plays a role in the lives of many people across the world. One simple example of how technology has an effect on the lives of people is smartphones, almost every single person has one in their possession and they all use it for their own reasons. Those reasons could be work or school related responsibilities, or just to do simple tasks such as sending messages to others, setting an alarm to wake up early the following day, checking the weather or time,  writing down a list of chores that need to be completed, etc. Basically we rely on the support from our smartphones to support us throughout the days, now if we remove smartphones from our lives then things would become much more complicated and difficult to handle. Personally I use my phone to keep track of the time, list down important details and upcoming dates, getting in touch with family members and friends, and staying in contact with my school to be alert of any updates and to be on top of my studies. In my research, I expect to find different innovations to machinery and  improvements done in communication, music, entertainment, education, health, transportation, etc. I expect to find this in my research because these are topics that have an effect on my life and it’s a big world out there so, I’m sure that others can relate to that. If I find information that goes completely against to what I had expected to find then, I will continue to look for information that supports my topic claim. However if I am unable to find anything that supports my topic then, I will adjust to it and incorporate it in my writing. The genres that I believe would give me good information are published sources, textbook articles, science articles, business articles, dialogues from conversations regarding technology, charts or diagrams with explanations and analysis, time lines, informational videos, web sites, and newspapers. These are good potential sources because each of these sources provide good concrete information that I could use and for an example an science article would go well with technology since science is applied to further innovate technology.


“Past, Present and Future: The Evolution of Technology.” Edited by Donny Lamey2, DiscoverTec, 2018, www.discovertec.com/blog/evolution-of-technology.


Technology has progressed significantly over the many years, it has become a beneficial tool that many people depend on for different responsibilities and tasks. The title of the blog is “The Evolution of Technology: Past, Present, and Future”, published on January 5, 2018 by Donny Lamey. The main idea of the blog is that technology is constantly innovating and changing, countless advancements have been created and it has affected the lives of many individuals in many ways. First off, the common practice of storing and sharing information has become much easier as new ways have been introduced to make tasks like these simple to perform. Before in the past, people relied on discs or CD-ROM to store and share information. From there it changed into USB sticks and flash drives, but now everything innovated into iCloud.  iCloud is a cloud storage that was created by Apple Inc and launched on October 12, 2011. It has helped with improved organization and better security of information, more and more people opt for this instead and many businesses and companies do so as well. It has become the most efficient way to store large files safely and most efficient to transfer data and information. A Wi-Fi connection is required to perform any tasks that are involved with iCloud, however nowadays Wi-Fi is supplied almost everywhere in places as simple as coffee shops, library’s, food places, etc. But if that is still isn’t enough and you can’t find a Wi-Fi signal close by then, most individuals are still able to have access to the internet by using their cellular data connections or a personal hotpot if they have. The internet is available almost everywhere and our daily lives are always affected by it. Communications has definitely improved as well, unlike in the past where people wrote hand written letters to each other and having to wait by the phone for the phone call. Now the connection to communicate is instant and it consumes very little time, there are Bluetooth connections, many different forms of messaging apps, or just a simple text message by number. The development of these messaging apps has led to the the birth of social media and many platforms along with it such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Periscope, etc. For more serious occasions such work and school related responsibilities, virtual speaking has been developed for that. Videos are now higher quality and increased streaming potential allows people to know engage in virtual conferences in services such as Skype, Google Handouts, Zoom, Facetime, etc. Streaming also extends to entertainment, Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, and more video services have been created to further expand your quality of home entertainment. The author introduces many key points such as the overall progress of technology, iCloud being the most advance service to store and share information, Wi-Fi being supplied to the public in many places of business, the evolution of communication, the introduction of social media, new virtual platforms, and new age of video streaming. All of this together supports the main idea conveyed by the author which is, ” technology is a frontier on its own, continuing to evolve, grow, and reshape our world. As we continue to explore and expand technology, the more life will change, creating new habits and forming new ways of working together”. The essence of the author’s argument is that technology is always gonna be improving and there’s no stopping that, the new modern never stays the same and lives are always changing. Furthermore I agree with the message of the author, presently I own a smart tv and it’s nice to have a high quality tv to watch shows and movies in my free time. But when I was a kid I remember having one of those large box shaped tv’s and I would always watch a little before I would get ready to go to school, this was back in my elementary school years. However the new generation are going to grow up in a world filled with technological advances and it’ll continue from there, who knows how the world will look like in the next year. I would ask the author how was her/his experience with technology growing up and what influenced him/her into writing about this topic. This document has told me that my research question holds meaning and that meaning is shared with others since, there are online sources talking about the same exact thing. Based on what I’ve read and how the author expressed his/her details in the writing, that adds even more meaning to the main point and supplies the audience with clear information.


“10 Landmark Moments in Entertainment Technology.” Edited by Waugh, The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 13 Nov. 2019, www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/samsung-8k-tv/great-tech-innovations-past-50-years/.

Technology has revolutionized entertainment, going back to when many innovations were just being introduced to the world. Unlike now where the internet is apart of our daily in many aspects and those same innovations have improved drastically over the many years. The name of the article is “How many of these great tech innovations did you have?” and within in is a timeline containing the dates of the numerous innovations created in the last 50 years. First, televisions has definitely improved in quality over several years and it’s an absolute must have item in any house hold for entertainment. During 1970, black and white televisions were created and gained tremendous attraction as they were big sellers in the market. During 1998, televisions upgraded to flat-screens and this brought an end to the first gen of televisions. Now during 2019, televisions has now become known as QLED 8K screens. Samsung was the first company to first introduce QLED 8K televisions for retail, 8K television brought the most advanced quality to video entertainment. Additionally movies video players grew as well and the first generation of video players were known as VHS recorders. During 1993, DVD’s established high quality home video pictures and different extras such as previews, deleted scenes, trailers, etc. In 2006, an advanced version of DVD’s called Blu-Ray was launched. Combining both Blu-Ray discs and full HD screens has created the best way to enjoy the best quality of videos and movies. Another great form of entertainment is music and in 1982, the first portable cassette players were created. People were allowed to listen to music with headphones anywhere they choose and construct their own mixtapes. During 1990, portable CD players were the next thing as, the following after that it turned into MP3 players. These devices allowed you to store music without discs or tapes and Samsung launched a MP3 player in 1998. the author gives the names of the many inventions that brought change to the entertainment community and the dates alongside with it. The author states,” yet, just a half century ago ago , black -and-white televisions were still commonplace and personal music systems simply didn’t exist. Samsung has been a leading TV innovator for the past 50 years”. In other words, the author believes that a half century when by quick and entertainment has innovated completely. I agree with the main point that the author is trying to convey, Technology is always gonna have improvements done to it and it’s a given. If I could say something to the author, I would say “what was the very first form of home entertainment did you have growing up”. Everyone was a kid at one point in their lives and the first thing that I had was a Gameboy device to play my game. The way the author wrote this document with the main point explained clearly and supported as well with a time line containing the names of important innovations of their time. Having a time line with organized dates and information makes this document more credible and therefore the words hold more meaning. This genre was a smart choice to go with and it made it easier to understand the information, you can never go wrong with a informational time line.


Past and Present | Technology Then and Now, Astrolabe, 16 Dec. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=DENG7Q7VRgo.

Time continues on and technology continues to advance, all the high quality electronic devices that are out first began as simple first generation prototypes. The title of the video is called “Past and Present, Technology Then and Now”, created by Astrolabe. The main point of the video is that electronic devices has changed greatly as to when they were first created, for an example look at books. In the world there are millions of books and it’s difficult to locate a specific book that you want. However a electronic reader called “Kindle” was manufactured and it is capable of suppressing hundreds of books together in digital form. Automobiles over time has become the most reliant form of transportation and the very first automobile was invented in 1908. The first automobile was known as the “Ford Model T” and it produced a 20 HP and went up to 45 mph. In 2017, the “Ford Model T” evolved into a “Ford Gt”. The “Ford GT” comes with a horse power of 600 and the speed goes up to 200mph. Computers is another major invention that brought major attraction and the first computer was introduced in 1981. That computer was known as “Osborne 1” and it was built by Adam Osborne. Over time the “Osborne 1” turned into a more sleek version, became more lightweight and contained faster processors, this version became known as the “laptop”. Another invention that gained just as much attraction as computers were mobile phones. In April 1973, Martin Cooper, a American engineer, constructed the first mobile phone and made the first phone call with it. But now in modern age it’s referred as smartphones and basically it’s like having a small computer right beside you. Smart phones are smaller but are capable of holding in much more information and almost everyone has one in their possession. In the video the author states ,”devices and gadgets that we use today were radically different back when they were first invented, introduced, or popularized years or decades ago”.  The author’s point is to inform the audience of the changes of technology and to look back at the past to understand how these inventions first came to be. I agree with the author and the main point being discussed, I can also relate because I also depend on these devices as well for support. My smartphone assists me in being on top of my responsibilities and I also own a laptop that I utilize for all my school work related tasks. If I could ask the author a question I would say, “which invention would you say had the most influential impact on the development of the world in the last 50 years?”. The author’s decision with opting to go with an information video was a smart move and the video contained many information to back up its claim and to further express its credibility. Furthermore this document has shown me that the past is there to look back on our mistakes and to improve those mistakes for the future.

Baum, Reuben Fischer. “What ‘Tech World’ Did You Grow up in?” The Washington Post, WP Company, 2017, www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/entertainment/tech-generations/.

From then to now, the United States has made huge economic growth due to the enormous changes in technology. The name of the article is “What ‘Tech World’ Did You Grow Up In?” by Reuben-Fischer-Baum and it speaks a lot technological growth. The main objective of the article is to inform the public of these technological changes and that every generation grows up in a different world. Baum states, “in 2009, 89% of U.S. home entertainment spending was DVDs, and the top movie in theaters was Avatar”. Baum’s point is before DVDS was the central platform for video entertainment and it was also a convenient way to watch movies at home. Additionally there was also access to the internet and some households in the U.S. had access. The culture of music expanded as well, Baum states, “in 2007, 63% of U.S. music sales ( by volume ) were digital, and the top selling album was Josh Groban-Noei”. Music saved on digital platforms became the optimal way to listen to music. and the era of CDs and tapes came to an end. A major innovation in technology that gains tremendous desirability is cell phones, by 2015 more than 60% of Americans had smart phones. In 1973, the first mobile phone was invented and the first call was made with it. But later in the article Baum himself writes, “a decade a half later, Nokia and other manufacturers had developed much cheaper models. In particular, the nearly indestructible Nokia 3310-affectionately known as the “brick”`-has a special place in U.S. mobile history as the first cell phone for many younger Americans”. Basically Baum is saying that cell phones is the invention that is most popular within the communities and a lot of businesses compete with one another to create the best mobile phone. I agree with the Reuben Fischer-Baum and the main point he is trying to say, since many years a lot has happened. If I could ask Reuben Fischer-Baum a question I would say, “what kind of tech world did you grow up in as a kid?”. This document has shown me that technology is all about trial and error and that’s how we improve over years, it’s all about consistency. Baum selected an article with informational graphs as his genre, for me that made understanding the content easier and it added more meaning and credibility to his document.


Through my research I discovered many different sources of information on technology and it’s time period of technological growth. Furthermore I discovered four disparate genre sources that discuss about this matter, the first source is a blog, the second source is an informational timeline, the third source is an informational video and the last source is an article included with line graphs. All these sources share the same central idea that technology has evolved immensely over the past years and the innovations created has reshaped the way we live our lives. Early inventions such as tapes, DVDs, CDs, black and white televisions, VHS, MP3 players, computers and flip phones initiated the technological process. This time period was between the 1970s to 2000s, I remember when I was a little boy and I had some of these devices in my household. In my house I had a collection of movies in DVDs and some VHS tapes, I remember my most favorite movie as a kid was “Spiderman”. In my room I had a old generation television that was shaped as a cube, every morning I would wake up early to watch “Cartoon network” and I did that still on the days that I had school. Anyway those devices and memories pertain to the past and now we live in the present and times have changed since then. Currently people no longer use DVDs to watch movies, instead movies and tv shows are able to be watched on different digital platforms such Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime Video, etc. Also these digital platforms are viewed in high resolution QLED 8K TVs, this is the most enhanced version of the first television that was built back in 1973. Laptops and computers have improved with their performance and its the optimal tool to use for collecting information from the internet and connecting with others virtually. The device that gets the most attraction from the public is smart phones, smart phones became the most convenient device to carry around and modern age introduced hundreds of apps that you can download on your smartphone to help you with all kinds of needs. With a smart phone you can communicate with others, look up anything for any needs you may have, check the time or weather, write down important information for memorization and do so much more. I further understand that past eras are distinct from each other because of the different advancements created at different times throughout history, so basically future generations from now will grow up in different worlds. This is important to understand because technology is meant to consistently innovate our lives so, therefore we should pay more attention to the evolution of technology since we rely on it so much. Individuals who want to pursue a career in technology and who are generously interested in the history of technology should know about this because it would expand their curiosity on technology and it could lead to future ideas.














Source Entry #4 and conclusion

Ahmad, Subboor,director. Does Science Disprove God? Sapience Institute,23 July 2020, Sapienceinstitute.org
In this webinar, the presenter covers five main topics. The first two are about science being the only method to render the truth about the world and reality and science leads to certainty. The third topic covers response to the objection that science works so it must be true. The last two topics are about science from an Islamic perspective. The main point is that science is not the only way to find truth. The most important points are that there are different ways to reach conclusions, science cannot account for morality, science cannot prove history and science is not absolute. To strengthen his claims, the author uses quotes from philosophers of science like Samir Okasha and Elliot Sober. He provides examples for all the things that science cannot account for. He provides examples of scientific theories to explain his arguments. He uses these evidences to arrive at the conclusion that science is not the only way to find the truth and science has not disproved the existence of a Creator.
The presenter breaks down every single point and explains them in detail leaving no room for objections to his claims. I agree with what the speaker presented because the proofs are very clear. When the speaker says that science is ahistorical he asks a question, “Did Genghis Khan exist?” he then goes on to explain that the existence of Genghis Khan cannot be proven by science. The speaker states “People have observed his existence once and told us, good, but them telling us over the centuries is not scientific evidence, its historical evidence, its testimonial evidence. Testimony is how we know the majority of the things we know.” This shows that science cannot account for historical events.
He presents the argument of atheists’ which is that “Science is the only way to render the truth about the world and reality, Science cannot render the truth about God, therefore God doesn’t exist.” Throughout his presentation he provides evidences for his claims by explaining that Science cannot account for testimonial evidence and that science is Amoral. The speaker states “You see a child, that is poor that is neglected and has no one to take care of them… you are a billionaire that could give this child a comfortable life… from a scientific perspective, when you are looking at that, can you see any moral obligation?” The speaker uses this argument to prove that even moral instincts cannot be proven by science. The questions I have, is to understand how do atheists, who believe that science has disproved God, respond to these claims? Do they believe in history or do they disbelieve in history because it cannot be scientifically proven? Will they change their stance after being presented with these arguments and believe in a Creator? I need to look up the atheists’ perspective on whether science leads to disbelief in a Creator. If I could say something to the author it would be to provide more arguments from the atheists’ side to better understand their stance. This document tells me about my research question that there are atheists who disbelieve in a creator because they feel that science has the answer to everything in the modern world. This genre was to educate people and throughout the webinar the speaker asked questions to his audience in order to bring in some views that are contrary to what he is presenting. The author is a public speaker, debater and researcher at IERA(Islamic Education and Research Academy). He specializes in the philosophy of science with a focus on Darwin’s theory of evolution. He has a MA and PgCert in Philosophy. He is a PhD candidate specializing in the philosophy of biology.
The speaker really exemplifies the claims of his webinar lecture by stating that “The second premise which is that science cannot prove God’s existence, now technically this is true, however, science not being able to prove God’s existence does not go an inch towards the conclusion that there is no God. Science cannot prove the existence of morals, that does not mean morals do not exist, science cannot prove to us the world is real, that does not mean the world is not real.” I totally agree with this statement, the author applies the logic of attributing science to disprove God’s existence to other fields like morals and the world. This shows how this logic of searching for truth through science is not consistent.


The research question was “Why do people deny a Creator?” Throughout the research I explored different reasons for people rejecting in a creator. The reasons I found out are as follows: The problem of evil, no empirical evidence for a Creator, atheism is self-evident and science has disproved God. I wanted to present the perspectives of both sides, so I chose sources from atheists, theists and sources where both parties discuss their positions. So far what surprised me is that, atheists do not have any solid reason for disbelieving in a Creator. Most of the time, the reasons are emotional or they are based on the understanding of a certain faith. Sometimes it is because of studying arguments against the existence of a Creator which leads to atheism. I used to think that there was only one argument against atheists which was the creation of the universe, can something come out of nothing? After my research I found that there are many counterarguments to the contentions of atheist. The understanding of my question has deepened because now I know the arguments both for and against denying a Creator. Also I was able to understand some of the counterarguments presented by theists. Everything I learned is very important for me personally because I enjoy interacting with people of different faiths and ideologies, so this was something I was very curious about. I felt that the majority of people have this belief in a creator, but there were certain people who defected from this belief, they consisted of academics and regular people who used big words and presented complicated philosophical concepts. This made me more eager to study this ideology and understand whether it is worth adopting. The first people who need to know about this research are the atheists themselves, so that they can be exposed to a different perspective and provide more information and counterarguments from their side for denying a creator. It can also help them take an educated decision where they are aware of the implications of their ideology and also the perspective of theists, the reasons why they believe in a Creator. The next group of people that need to know about this are theists themselves, they should understand what atheism entails and why there are people who deny the divine, this will help in producing beneficial discussions to the most important question, which is the purpose of life.

Conclusion Draft due on 10/22

Through my research I discovered many different sources of information on technology and it’s time period of technological growth. Furthermore I discovered four disparate genre sources that discuss about this matter, the first source is a blog, the second source is an informational timeline, the third source is an informational video and the last source is an article included with line graphs. All these sources share the same central idea that technology has evolved immensely over the past years and the innovations created has reshaped the way we live our lives. Early inventions such as tapes, DVDs, CDs, black and white televisions, VHS, MP3 players, computers and flip phones initiated the technological process. This time period was between the 1970s to 2000s, I remember when I was a little boy and I had some of these devices in my household. In my house I had a collection of movies in DVDs and some VHS tapes, I remember my most favorite movie as a kid was “Spiderman”. In my room I had a old generation television that was shaped as a cube, every morning I would wake up early to watch “Cartoon network” and I did that still on the days that I had school. Anyway those devices and memories pertain to the past and now we live in the present and times have changed since then. Currently people no longer use DVDs to watch movies, instead movies and tv shows are able to be watched on different digital platforms such Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime Video, etc. Also these digital platforms are viewed in high resolution QLED 8K TVs, this is the most enhanced version of the first television that was built back in 1973. Laptops and computers have improved with their performance and its the optimal tool to use for collecting information from the internet and connecting with others virtually. The device that gets the most attraction from the public is smart phones, smart phones became the most convenient device to carry around and modern age introduced hundreds of apps that you can download on your smartphone to help you with all kinds of needs. With a smart phone you can communicate with others, look up anything for any needs you may have, check the time or weather, write down important information for memorization and do so much more. I further understand that past eras are distinct from each other because of the different advancements created at different times throughout history, so basically future generations from now will grow up in different worlds. This is important to understand because technology is meant to consistently innovate our lives so, therefore we should pay more attention to the evolution of technology since we rely on it so much. Individuals who want to pursue a career in technology and who are generously interested in the history of technology should know about this because it would expand their curiosity on technology and it could lead to future ideas.

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