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Author: rahe khan (Page 2 of 4)

The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscripts Donald M. Murray -DJE


“When students complete the first draft, they consider the job of writing done – and their teachers too often agree. When

professional writers complete the first draft, they usually feel that they are at the start of the writing process. When a draft is completed, the job of writing can begin. “

That is true that students their first draft they believe as a complete work but for people who professionally write it is just a first draft they believed  They just start writing and they make to write more to progress more and also that’s the difference between students and professional writers. When a student writes something They don’t have to focus is the thing that they’re writing is it’s going to be really important to their lives and when professional people are writing their job is writing they need to make sure the thing that is writing is to present them so they have to be perfect so they have to do more than one trash to make the writing more perfect. The conclusion it makes sense why the student believes their first draft is their perfect work and for professional Riders is just their beginning.  
Such detachment is not easy. Science-fiction writer Ray Bradbury supposedly puts each manuscript away for a year to the day and then rereads it as a 

stranger. Not many writers have the discipline or the time to do this. We must read when our judgment may be at its worst when we are close to the euphoric moment of creation.

Very hooked to this paragraph I like the idea when want to be a professional writer they should be their own writing enemy because they have to understand that  When their work is going to be published not just one or two people going to read it a lot of people going to read it and they have to meet with people that may not like their writing style Or don’t like the opinion that they have shown in their writing.  as a student, you don’t really have to care about this stuff but as a professional writer you have to go to your  writing over and over again to make sure your work may not offend someone   
Writers often read aloud at this stage of the editing process, muttering or whispering to themselves, calling on the ear’s experience with the language. Does this sound right – or that? Writers edit, shifting back and forth from eye to page to ear to page……..   I truly believe in this fact when you read aloud your writing you can see what mistake you made in your writing or what needs to be fixed or what doesn’t really make sense or what you should add to your writing you could see it clearly. 
A piece of writing is never finished.  this is a whole new point of view for me I always think when I’m done writing is that writing is just done but based on the author is say that a writer is never finished There’s always a way to make writing  Perfect. It’s just you have a time that you meet any believe it is okay to give up or finish up your writing this is an amazing fact to think about 

Artist statement

The topic that I Chose for my Anointed Bibliography is  “Why should we not allow genetic change on babies?”. I truly believe that that is amazing how our world is getting Advance they literally know how to create more humans and also what the little human should have in their genes and what they should not have in their genes. If that was provided to my mother she would have been gone crazy and make me the perfect baby that  She could think of. It is quite interesting to know why some people prefer Gene change on their baby And why some people don’t. Some people prefer to change their baby because they have some type of disease on their Gene that they don’t want to pass on to future babies but then also some people prefer it because of the beauty It has to offer. And some people don’t prefer it because they think about where is going to be Borderline especially when it is a really accessible experiment. 

I decided to write my Anointed Bibliography by one argument about why people should not allow the genetic change on baby and then Carrie that out why some people believe About that argument or what they have to say adding why should we don’t listen to what they believed. The audience that I was targeting was mostly young Adults because They have not that experience in the world yet but so far whatever the experience they had Goodview on it they have a good opinion on it and they know how to fix those problems and they understand that what is A positive action that may lead the world in a batter place or what is a negative action that may lead to chaos in the world. I believe that way I wrote my Anointed Bibliography It’s more effective is because it gives you To think about the argument what did the argument have to offer and it gives you the boat side people believe about that argument and which side is batter we should lean on mostly. A way I could have made my Anointed Bibliography Better doing a little better research on what other side has to argue about my topic and explain it a little better. I was thinking that what are you doing I should put against my argument that could my argument stronger I feel like  I  make my argument a little better if I had a little better understanding of what another side of my topic argument has to stay.

Rough draft


Later on, if your mother’s father reveals to you that you were browsed a list, what might you feel? OK feel stunning, believing that you have great abilities or you would be pitiful reasoning that you are not generally the individual that you think you are? Your whole life was completely false on account of innovation. The creation is child planning or changing infant sex. Infant planning not simply influencing one’s confidence will influence topographically. Others may state that it is anything but an issue, it’s an astounding open door since child planning is letting them have whatever sex infant they need or what they need in infant-like garnishes in the pizza. The explanation some may not concur in light of the fact that for instance letting one individual make their ideal infant going to lead everybody to Make that equivalent wonderful infant, leaving the world with somebody looking, amazing child, which mean on the planet there won’t be dark or white, short or tall, earthy colored eyes or blue eyes individuals any longer. Everybody will appear to be identical with a similar ability, essentially like a robot. That is simply not it, sadly, there is more. Besides, this innovation ought not to exist since this not going to do any great to may one. Child planning is influencing each and every one of us or future us (populace), will influence the climate that we are in (nation military), will influence our conviction (bigotry). That is simply not it, lamentably, there is more. Therefore, this innovation ought not to exist since this not going to do any use for anybody. This creation going to lead each and every economy to the ground.


source entry 1

“whilst genetic engineering could potentially ‘end’ racism, the cost to humanity would likely be too great. If we did create “standardized” humans of the same skin color, would we lose all connection to our past?”

obviously, we can do hereditary designing and it could do a great deal of good stuff as well however it additionally going to cause us to lose our past. Do we say we love where we originated from? the manner in which we are. At that point for what reason would we say we are making something that will crush where we originated from or Our past in light of the fact that our previous what makes us who we are present?. Our previous gives us how much improvement that we did as such far. Doing hereditary designing, it not going to be reasonable for everybody, in light of the fact that hereditary designing will manufacture one amazing infant and afterward that will prompt everybody making that equivalent wonderful looking infant mean how everybody has an equivalent looking child, it implies that they all have similar abilities, it going to erase bigotry from your wrecked framework however it additionally implies that now there wouldn’t be an alternate sort of work. To show that no occupation is little than others, it likewise implies that now we wouldn’t see the distinctive tip of a section to investigate. For the more, hereditary designing is simply not going to simply ensure that each and every race will be no more.



source entry 2

“We have to ask where is the stopping point,” Ms. Darnovsky said, and she suggested that policy discussions include “a much broader range of voices” than just scientists.    (another person that talks about.  How this invention will be the reason that some gender lose their rights By Clyde Haberman )

on the off chance that we permit infant planning, we have no clue about what kind of a child or human beast they will make in view of more often than not the residents are obscure to the exploration and the trial researchers do. Since researchers or the legislature never tell the residents that what are they examining or test on until they are effective. They don’t comprehend that imagine a scenario where the tests or the examination they accept that going to do make residents, life simpler is simply going to do restricted in light of the fact that they don’t generally have the foggiest idea what tip of issue most residents have going on their day by day life.



source entry 3

“. By using genetic engineering, biological researchers have already developed new weapons that are much more effective than their natural counterparts. Countless examples from the daily work of molecular biologists could be presented here, not least the introduction of antibiotic resistance into bacterial pathogens, which today is routine work in almost any microbiology laboratory……. .” 

organic analysts have just grown new weapons that are substantially more powerful than their regular partners.there as of now weapons that were made by hereditary designing however isn’t that peril yet they are accomplishing more exploration. The issue is that we have no more capacity to stop them since they are as of now attempting. Isn’t a hypothesis any more.



source entry 4

“parents have a right to prenatal autonomy, which grants them the right to decide the fate of their children. George Annas, chair of the Department of Health Law, Bioethics, and Human Rights at Harvard University has offered support for the idea of PGD, and the designer babies that result, as a consumer product that should be open to the forces of market regulation.

the mother-father of the kids have the full rights to choose what and by what means should they need their infant to be .obviously they ought to be the one show choose how they have the infant to grow up however the sexual orientation and capacities ought to be originating from nature since, supposing that that began to originate from people then that going to carry mayhem to the world and that going to bring the apocalypse. The day that we are attempting to avoid.



We advise our children it is alright to act naturally in any place they go. We ensure that they are not getting harassed in view of what they are. In the event that we permit child planning, at that point what’s the purpose of revealing to them that they can be what their identity is? We would need to disclose to them why not act like the way your mother’s father planned you to be. Also, that seems like a human advising an innovation to work the manner in which we were made to do. That what will be the finish of mankind. In the event that this creation just fixes the ailment that individuals have on their gean for age then, for the time being, we don’t need to consider the finish of mankind. On the off chance that it is a creation that gets to that position, at that point later on we will be seeing human robots.

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