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Author: Asia S (Page 3 of 7)

Proposal Outline




I want to teach my audience, that they are not alone. We are all experiencing things together. The audience i am trying to teach is humans, again. Humans that are open to listening and learning about problems in society. I am not sure what genre i want to write in , yet but i strongly believe , i am going to an article or have video , in which i am interviewing someone.  i am still trying to figure it out. I believe an article is a great choice because it fits what i am trying to write about better and its important to my target audience.  I plan on reading some new and recent articles or watching videos. Also , i plan to formulate my topic question , that is very interesting to my target audience, that makes them really want to read it. My only concern at the moment, is making my writing better than unit 1 and unit 2 and impressing my audience and writing something really good and informative

Writing Discussion

After Unit 2, i started reflecting back to january and all i said was wow. This year feels like it has been 10000 years. i want to write about how exhausting this year has been and the things that has been happening everyday. I feel like it has been such a warfare. My target is audience is humans , no specific age group , just humans who are surviving this pandemic . So no , I don’t want to narrow it down , because we are all experiencing this new exhausting way of living, online schooling, societal movements , police brutality and spiritual warfare. The genre I believe that will best fit is informative articles. For unit 3, I would like to continue my topic of everyday living , and incorporate things I have gathered from observation during quarantine and since the start of this pandemic and also expand on religion and spirituality research. 

Week 9 – Pet Peeves 10/24



My pet peeves about reading online are non existent. Todays world is pretty much so digital, i have no issues. Unorganiztion makes a website looks terrible and lack of creativity . A website thats hard to navigate is also messy. I think seeing unorganized websites , makes me not want to have my writing like that , because it forces you to learn how organize properly. Some steps i need to work for not only unit 2 , but in every writing piece that i will produce in the future, is learning how to stay on topic and letting each paragraph flow properly.

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