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Author: Ash (Page 4 of 9)

Source entry 2

For my second source in “The Wall Street Journal”

“Police Wrestle With Surge in Crime in U.S. Cities Amid Defunding Efforts” by Julie wernau and Joe Barrett 

we are given the thoughts and some static’s to show us how things are growing in cities across the United States as defunding the police is wanted or the approval to defund that state or cities police system has been already passed.
“In Milwaukee, homicides are up 37% so far this year, on pace to break the record of 167 in 1991, which included 16 murders by convicted serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Homicides so far this year in Chicago are ahead of the pace of 2016, which marked the city’s highest tally since 1996. In New York and Los Angeles, which have seen falling numbers of homicides for years, killings this year are up 23% and 11.6%, respectively. Kansas City, Mo., has recorded 99 killings since January, far outpacing any record for the first six months of the year.” The number have been only increasing in this year and have seen in cities all over a increase in crime. We are seeing just outrageous numbers that can be record breaking number in the cities. This is all happening while many people want to defund the police. “Amid revenue shortfalls and calls to defund police, Art Acevedo, Houston police chief and head of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, said cities are now slashing police budgets without plans in place to reallocate funds or replace functions typically performed by police. “You don’t tear down the building you’re living in until you have a new building to move into,” he said.” They are tearing down cities police system and don’t even plan out the next move. Now to think I just want all of us to comprehend if we defend the police while homicides and crimes increase then what? Should we still defund and let more corruption go? All we would do with defunding the police is leave innocent people less protected. If you believe that criminals will have a change of heart because the police have been defunded you’re wrong you’re still likely to get harmed maybe even more likely to get harmed knowing that the police are less powered than they were. All we would do is cause more danger to arise easier and not be able to combat it with our forces down. How do you defund the police and take that money and then not know how to help the police system. You’re supposed to plan if you take money you have to find another way to help the system so they won’t be at a disadvantage. How can they fight crime when they are at a lesser disadvantage then usual. These are men and women who’s lives are on the line day after day all we would do is hurt them. All this comes to is with all these circumstances think is community better or worse? Is defunding the police increasing the prosperity and happiness of the community or we just causing more hardships to come in the community. All these events that may arise as static’s show may show it’s a more negative than a positive.

Source entry #1

The New York Times “What Would Efforts to Defund or Disband Police Departments Really Mean?” By  Dionne Searcey.

In this writing we have the author talks about several questions and answer shortly in this writing about what can happen or what has happened. Now the most intriguing question was “What is Minneapolis doing?” and the author states the following  “Nine members of the Minneapolis City Council pledged at a rally to dismantle the Police Department. They promised to create a new system of public safety, saying that the city’s current policing system could not be reformed. Council members say they are not certain what policing will look like once they are finished, and they caution plans will take a long time to carry out.”

In 2020 we seen many horrific things and had horrific events and many of us wish it was over. One event that stood out and made many forget about even the virus that was out COVID-19 was the murder of George Floyd by officers as one stood on his knee as he cried for help. This caused a uproar in the world forget the country or state and the whole global world was screaming for justice and to bring true awareness to the movement of Black Lives Matter. Now due to this many states are trying to defund the police and aren’t truly thinking about the circumstances for the community. As we can see Minnesota has fully given up on their policing system and has decided to create a new system and take their current one down. Maybe this is good or bad but there has to be questions asked for a such a huge change. Now many of us would agree this crime that happened Minnesota this year was horrific, cruel and inhumane. Those involved with the action should be held accountable to the maximum level however dismantling the whole system and saying the “current police system could not be reformed” anyone. Many people would agree and believe this is a great idea but just think how would it effect the community and many will say they won’t do it right away but then again even if they don’t the consequences won’t be drastic? How can we think that changing a whole system and Hoping to make a new would help the community. The question is how did they try reforming the system? Did they even try their best the council in Minnesota or did they give a half ass attempt. Then you can further continue to say just because it’s new doesn’t mean it will work maybe it will be worse then what will you go back to the system? Even with the new system the same people will be in it. The same officers the same workers. Many people won’t come out of the blue and say “yes me. I would love to join you”. That’s not going to happen. The same officers before will be the officers then. If many want to solve the problem they have to go with officers and see how they can better train them with correct morals. However the question arrives do you believe in your officers then? How would they feel? Do you see changing the system doesn’t help but only creates more endless questions and possible problems. If you want to make change make it small why are you making it so drastic to change the whole outcome of a community.

Wednesday’s assignment

Question-How does defunding the police system will cause changes in the community?


 I’m interested in the topic because it makes you curious what will happen to the entire community. How defunding will lead to positives and negatives which would outweigh the other and in that will the community be better or worse. Personally I believe defunding the police will cause a lack of effort from the cops as now the cops will feel like no one is on their side and may cause them to work less hard. Also defunding the police may lead to more crimes which in hence will change the community. However these are only thoughts rather is there any clear proof of such actions and how will the community in the future events change due to such a drastic change.


I expect to find in my research an answer based on static or evidence to show that defunding the police is a horrific idea and based on this we can hopefully see how it would affect the community more negatively than positively. I expect to find this because I want to make it clear to everyone that defunding the police won’t change corrupt cops or get rid of them but it would mainly just help crime rates go up and also may increase the chance of cops to become lazier because the cops may feel resentment that they risk their lives for our but we don’t care about them.


If the information goes completely against what I expected then I will accept the fact my point of view wasn’t correct. I won’t throw out my point of view to a complete degree rather ill accept the view and accept it as it would be true and I can’t argue with facts however I do believe the cops will still feel resentment towards the people because they are humans and feel like us. These cops who risk their lives may not try their best since they might believe we don’t care about them then why should they care for us. Yes I will write about it anyway as I may help those who think like me to see the truth that our view was wrong but also try to make everyone understand cops have feelings and all cops aren’t bad at all. I will challenge my assumptions since they weren’t right. That means you always have to look at both sides and see what is always more factual.


The genres that might give me the best information are articles on the effects of defunding police because it will show what happened in one state and this can translate to another. Statical charts to show the correlation between money and crime rates and safety of communities. Lastly is more of opinions it’s that of people getting interviewed about the defunding the police this is to show views of how people think and how people react and also to show how this can affect the community in 2 ways either those who are happy for defunding of the police and those who aren’t.

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