Baum, Reuben Fischer. “What ‘Tech World’ Did You Grow up in?” The Washington Post, WP Company, 2017,

From then to now, the United States has made huge economic growth due to the enormous changes in technology. The name of the article is “What ‘Tech World’ Did You Grow Up In?” by Reuben-Fischer-Baum and it speaks a lot technological growth. The main objective of the article is to inform the public of these technological changes and that every generation grows up in a different world. Baum states, “in 2009, 89% of U.S. home entertainment spending was DVDs, and the top movie in theaters was Avatar”. Baum’s point is before DVDS was the central platform for video entertainment and it was also a convenient way to watch movies at home. Additionally there was also access to the internet and some households in the U.S. had access. The culture of music expanded as well, Baum states, “in 2007, 63% of U.S. music sales ( by volume ) were digital, and the top selling album was Josh Groban-Noei”. Music saved on digital platforms became the optimal way to listen to music. and the era of CDs and tapes came to an end. A major innovation in technology that gains tremendous desirability is cell phones, by 2015 more than 60% of Americans had smart phones. In 1973, the first mobile phone was invented and the first call was made with it. But later in the article Baum himself writes, “a decade a half later, Nokia and other manufacturers had developed much cheaper models. In particular, the nearly indestructible Nokia 3310-affectionately known as the “brick”`-has a special place in U.S. mobile history as the first cell phone for many younger Americans”. Basically Baum is saying that cell phones is the invention that is most popular within the communities and a lot of businesses compete with one another to create the best mobile phone. I agree with the Reuben Fischer-Baum and the main point he is trying to say, since many years a lot has happened. If I could ask Reuben Fischer-Baum a question I would say, “what kind of tech world did you grow up in as a kid?”. This document has shown me that technology is all about trial and error and that’s how we improve over years, it’s all about consistency. Baum selected an article with informational graphs as his genre, for me that made understanding the content easier and it added more meaning and credibility to his document.