I wrote it because life on earth is not eternal, and everyone will have to die sooner or later. I think everyone wonders whether there is life after death. I believe that readers will be really interested in the material because it includes important information, especially personal experience of the afterlife. I want people to learn that life after death does exist according to the sources I used. At first, it was challenging for me to find appropriate resources for my project. It is hard enough to find relevant information. Much information one finds, for example, on the Internet is not necessarily accurate. A friend of mine suggested to me the works of Dr. Raymond Moody, who is one of the most acclaimed scholars in the field of near-death experiences and, in fact, coined the very term. I still need plenty of help finding appropriate bibliography, exploring various genres, and putting everything succinctly into English. I cannot tell that I am proud of myself because I completed this assignment, but I could improve my knowledge of the topic and share my research with the audience. Using many sources and comparing side by side helps me to arrive at the conclusion that there is, in fact, life after death. This spiritual reality of life after death is intangible; it is also necessarily subjective and, therefore, can be very confusing. What I read in these sources really helped me to strengthen my faith in the afterlife. So, it was spiritually advantageous for me. I would like my next topic to be about the oppression of Native Americans by white immigrants.