A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

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  1. Topic: How has technology changed and adapted over time?

2. Over time, technology has definitely changed and as a result it has affected how we live our lives. In the past, we didn’t have the same opportunities that we have now in the present. For an example, in the past to communicate over long distances people had to write letters to each other and that usually took a good amount of days to accomplish. However now, we can easily communicate with each other over the fun and its faster and efficient.  Another good example is GPS, before people had to use maps to know there way around how to get somewhere. But modern age introduced the GPS that allows you to know precisely where you are and how to get to a location more efficiently, with this you are never lost.

3. I want to learn about how technology changes and how it constantly improves, we all know that every year there are improvements that are done. However I want to know how people are capable to constantly improve and innovate technology. Technology plays a huge part of our lives and it helps us in many different ways, one clear example is our phones that we use for almost everything.

5. In music, people at first listened to tapes, then CDs, and the everything went to digital. This happened from 1985 to all the way now in the present. The main thing now is social media and that goes far in twitter, Instagram, snapchat, Facebook, etc. This all came about due to the progress in smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc. The amount of people that are active on the web averages to around 3.2 billion people. So many people rely on technology and each person has their own needs to go with it.

6. My question is how did technology first came to be and who played important parts to developing it?


1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Cesar, your interest in technological advancement as a topic is fine, but it looks like you want to do a research paper on the history of technology, which is too broad. Perhaps you should narrow it down from the mid-20th century to the present, or you could focus on the last 50 years or focus on one particular use of technology — for example, transportation, music, or film and video. Your response, however, is excellent and you are certainly in percolating mode. Just FYI, you stated that “In music, people at first listened to tapes”, which is not true. They first listened to records (you’re making me feel so old LOL).

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