A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

“Research Starts with a Thesis Statement” from Bad Ideas about Writing

When I was a little boy, I never really had a strong interest in a specific topic. I was too occupied enjoying the stress free life and having fun with my friends. However I did have a interest with the entire school journey process, even though as a little kid I hated having to sit down and listen to my teacher lecture for hours. I knew that I was stuck there and I couldn’t avoid it, because of that I eventually grew an interest with the school journey. In elementary school, I remember how my teacher talked about middle school a little and how that was the next step after elementary. Also that after middle school, high school was the next destination and I learned about that from my older siblings who attended Long island City High School at the time. I can recall back to when I asked my teacher about high school and how that was. Her response was “you’re still too young and you don’t need to worry about that right now”. I was 8 at the time and maybe she was right that I didn’t need to learn about it that early, however that just made me more curious about it. Even though I couldn’t ask my teacher about it, I had my older siblings to explain it to me and they did. Asking about it helped me learn a little about high school before my time would come that I would need to go there as well. Over the years, my curiosity has grown more and I ask questions more frequently when I don’t understand something or when I want to learn something new. The educational system didn’t really help me with my curiosity when I was growing up, it mainly pushed it to the side as I had to be focused and silent most of the time. My curiosity for the school process continued and it shifted to college as that was the next phase after high school. Furthermore I completed that curiosity of college, as I know that will help me learn more about myself.

1 Comment

  1. Ivanna Hodziur

    I am surprised, Cesar, that you were not interested in some specific topics when you were a little boy. Usually, children are interested in something, especially in a particular subject. However, it seems to me; you were interested in the school environment, such as hanging out with classmates, thinking about the next step in middle school and after high school. It looks you were not interested in the academic program. I don’t blame you but understand. Very often, our teachers fail to help us to succeed in school. I hope you rediscover your interest in your studies.

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