For me, the meaning of the quote said by James Baldwin is that the history of America is immense and it can be beautiful and ugly at the same time. However, the history that America was built on is just a bunch of lies that are meant to represent a false image. A false image that has brainwashed the people of America into believing something that is not true. ” Its astounding to me, for example, that so many people really appear to believe that the country was founded by a band of heroes who wanted to be free. That happens not to be true. What happened was that some people left Europe because they couldn’t stay there any longer and had to go someplace else to make it”, stated in page 4 in ” A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin. But to expand even more, the entire world is even more larger and diverse and it can be more beautiful and ugly simultaneously. Furthermore, when James Baldwin says “the entire world is larger”, he means that the world offers more and provides more opportunities to succeed. However, more opportunities also signifies a much more harsh environment to overcome and adapt to. In addition, the ones that are going to face this are the new generation. Also that the new generation need to be guided in the right path in order to figure out who they want to be in the future. With that society will change and evolve into something more beautiful in the future and that will set the next stage for the next generation that comes after. I wish that in school we were taught the true history of the country that we live in so that we can truly understand how this nation began. Unfortunately due to the corruption of many negative people who don’t view everyone as equals, this hinders the growth of young children and as a result this makes them into something they’re not.