A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Time Capsule

In this semester, I learned how we should spend our time. Time is everything. If we don’t use the time properly then we will never get success in life. Especially, I used to waste my time on social media a lot such as TikTok, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, etc. The phone is an addiction. I feel like I wasted most of my time on the phone. So, I’m trying to change it now. Also, I learned some new vocabulary words. I trying to improve my English (2nd language) more. Knowing or researching about new things helped me. My writing skills improved a lit bit. I have to work hard for my writing, and reading skills more. I have to work hard for my English more and more in the future. Trying to avoid the phone because using the phone more make lots of problems such as sleeping less, less focusing on study and family too, etc. By researching, I knew lots of things about global. My general knowledge improved. Will try to improve my grade more. I want to get good grades in every class. I have to change or avoid negative things. Videos games also take our lots of time. So, I have to make changes on lots of things to improve myself. 

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Again, you need to properly title your work. This is a draft Final reflection.

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