A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Unit 3 Final

It took me a very long time to come up with my final project because first of all it was a song and I do not have a good voice. I couldn’t find anyone who would sing for me so I had to do it myself. (I literally murdered the track, I spoilt it so bad) I didn’t have a choice rather than to sing it myself so I took some time finding the confidence to do so. I had a good laugh at my final product and that was the best I could do and I really hope you all look at the content not the tune because it sounds like someone is dying. In my previous research, I had discovered that meditation had the best impact on mental health and I try to instruct people how to meditate in this song. The lyrics go, :

Song on meditation.


Maybe we could stand up, maybe we could sit

Maybe we could sleep or maybe we could eat

It doesn’t really matter because the world is getting cold

Now were fighting over things like toilet paper


Where did we lose ourselves now, where did we make mistakes?

It’s time to turn the ego down and listen with our hearts

We all have those moments where we feel like giving up

But the world still has more happiness all you have to do is see


Let the voices in your head say shit, because you won’t be listening no more

Well close our eyes and ears and open our hearts

Let’s fix this world by fixing ourselves


Let’s start by sitting straight,

Keep ourselves in the present

Thinking about the past brings

memories that don’t exist anymore


thinking of the future

makes restless

there’s no use thinking harder

let’s just be in the present.


Because meditation is all about being aware of your present rather than thinking about the past which brings memories that are not real at present, we are just re-making a situation in our head, and the future is a construction of thoughts that aren’t real too. all thats real is the present and we have to see that.

I apologize for my voice but I hope this helps people to some decree.




  1. Ivanna Hodziur

    Dear friend thank you for pouring out your heart and sharing your profound thoughts. We are all unique, different, have something others don’t have, and what we don’t have others have. Someone said there is unity in diversity and that is great wisdom and beauty. It is meant to complement one another and in this way together contribute to the common good. We can all make positive impact on the world make a difference, but that change must first take place in our hearts. “Lets fix the world by fixing ourselves” you seem to capture that.
    In your poem I like when you talk about past present and future. Our human thinking always captures past present and future. I think it is important to connect with past present and future, to make peace with the past be grateful for now and put all our hope in the future. In my faith tradition a great Saint Padre Pio used to say: Past is in God’s mercy present God’s grace and future God’s providence.
    Thank you again and take care.

    • Ivanna Hodziur

      Dear friend, thank you for pouring out your heart and sharing your profound thoughts. We are all unique, different, have something others don’t have, and what we don’t have others have. Someone said there is unity in diversity, and that is great wisdom and beauty. It is meant to complement one another and, in this way, together contribute to the common good. We can all make a positive impact on the world make a difference, but that change must first take place in our hearts. “Let’s fix the world by fixing ourselves” you seem to capture that.
      In your poem, I like it when you talk about the past, present, and future. Our human thinking always captures the past, present, and future. I think it is important to connect with the past, present, and future, make peace with the past, be grateful for now, and put all our hope in the future. In my faith tradition, a great Saint Padre Pio used to say: Past is in God’s mercy present God’s grace and future God’s providence.
      Thank you again, and take care.

    • Ivanna Hodziur

      Sorry, but the comment is not correct. I submitted the new one because I forgot to put a comma.

      • Namkha T Oedzer

        I appreciate your comment deeply. Thank you.

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