Begin UNIT 4 — Final Portfolio & Reflection

Goal for the first part of the week:  Complete Time Capsule activity to prepare for the Final Reflection

Due Wednesday, December 2nd

READ (OR WATCH/ LOOK AT/ LISTEN TO): Your Time Capsule from Week Two.

 WRITE: Write a little note to your beginning-of-the semester self.  What have you learned this semester? Did you achieve your goals? Did you achieve different goals?  What surprises have you encountered along the way? Were your goals too small/ too big/ right on the money? (You certainly don’t have to answer all of these questions, by the way– these are just ideas to get you started.)  Please title this assignment “Time Capsule” and put it in “Discussions / Portfolio and Reflection.”

BEGIN WRITING BUT DON’T POST:  Hopefully the note above will be a good starting point for you to help you think about your Final Reflection and what you have learned this semester. So, start working on a “Sh&^&y First Draft of that.