This short paragraph is on the authors statement which only answers bullet point 1 which gives a small background and a bit of context


In order to have a community that is safe and flows without any issues or consequences we need to maintain order first.As it states in the first line of the Declaration of independence “We The People”. Unfortunate enough to say,today we live in a society in which people don’t come first.Today in the United States everything revolves around money and criminal activities are what runs America.At a very young age it was brought to my attention by a TV show I used to watch named “ Without A Trace”. Growing up I had always wanted to serve our people and help protect the city from all criminal and corrupt activities.But all these shows had watched did not really depict what goes on in reality.The cold hearted truth is that the people who we would think would protect us are the real criminals.That’s right police officers and just as ruthless as the inmates in jail.Now this obviously does not apply to all police officers but there is a pretty hefty chunk. I personally did not make this assumption overnight but I have been studying the topic of police corruption,brutality etc for a few years now.Over the course of researching this the pieces start to fall into place.Starting from way back when slaves were free and  black people finally had their equal rights.One crucial factor that carries on to this day racism.Another would the passing of unfair laws such as stop and frisk, the mastermind of all police corruption the government themselves