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Through my research, I have come to a conclusion that it is close to mandatory that all individuals and particularly those interested in helping people with mental                                   illness or those dealing with depression and anxiety themselves should know that meditation is the most efficient way to deal with such situations. I want to teach my audience why one must meditate, how one must meditate and what other benefits are obtained through meditation besides the strength and diligence in dealing with mental health. I want to persuade my audience through facts about meditation and to also introduce them to a step by step guide to meditation which requires no extra utensils or equipment. All you really need is the will to help yourself. Meditation was the major breakthrough during my research. I want to present this information through a poetic and fictional channel. Something that would communicate directly with my audience, I have no experience with poetry, but I recall feeling strong emotions each time I went through a poem. I want my poem to speak directly to my audience and to make them understand through metaphors and relations to the current situation of the world. I fear that my work will be challenged by critics that may state that medication is a better way to cope with mental health and this is also true to some extent. But medication works only for a short period of time, then one becomes dependent on the medication and cannot do without it. This is also called addiction and addiction to anything is not a good way to go. I also fear that my poetry will not be the most beautiful one and that not a lot of people will take interest in going through my work. Regardless of the fears I possess, I will start my work with the determination to help people, throughout my work I will carry this determination, and I will also end my work with this determination.


  1. Mahmudur Rafei

    You have great concern for people who are mentally disabled and those who are finding it difficult to cope with the hardships of life. Your research could be publishe in this website called Mindful.org which discusses the science of meditation, benefits reaped from meditating and also provides couses on how to meditate. Since you mentioned that you want to convey your words using poetry, why not also consider rap as an art form to convey your message. Since we live in New York which is where rap is put at a very high standard and people look up to this art maybe when you convey your message through this art form you can have a bigger impact. You could write for the Mindful Magazine or the New York Times where such articles on the well being of the body are appreciated. Also what is very profound from your proposal is you willingness and determination to help people even if you have to face criticism. Hopefully you will be able to help people find what they are searching for which is inner peace and contentment.

  2. Ivanna Hodziur

    Many professional therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists now recognize the therapeutic value of meditation and prayer. Meditation can help people to cope with different psychological disorders.
    I think it is a great tool to apply to one’s psychological disorders. I believe the remedy of meditation that you propose for people with psychological disorders would be good for the millennials. Yong people are not patient. They are quick to make mistakes in life, and then they want a temporary solution. Meditation, I would call it a particular type of prayer, a sincere conversation with oneself, is not a quick solution to feeling better uplifted in a good mood. Meditation is something that lasts; it is a style of life. However, limiting meditation only to help with mental distress is like shooting at birds with a cannon. Meditation has much greater potential and, in my opinion, should be used primarily for spiritual advancement.
    You want to make sure that you can reach out to these individuals. Young people like to spend a lot of time on social media: Facebook, Twitter, or youtube. It may be advisable that you open your blog on Facebook or youtube channel to invite people to interact with you. There you can reach a wider audience, share your material for meditation, and receive a lot of feedback.

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