Past and Present | Technology Then and Now, Astrolabe, 16 Dec. 2017,

Time continues on and technology continues to advance, all the high quality electronic devices that are out first began as simple first generation prototypes. The title of the video is called “Past and Present, Technology Then and Now”, created by Astrolabe. The main point of the video is that electronic devices has changed greatly as to when they were first created, for an example look at books. In the world there are millions of books and it’s difficult to locate a specific book that you want. However a electronic reader called “Kindle” was manufactured and it is capable of suppressing hundreds of books together in digital form. Automobiles over time has become the most reliant form of transportation and the very first automobile was invented in 1908. The first automobile was known as the “Ford Model T” and it produced a 20 HP and went up to 45 mph. In 2017, the “Ford Model T” evolved into a “Ford Gt”. The “Ford GT” comes with a horse power of 600 and the speed goes up to 200mph. Computers is another major invention that brought major attraction and the first computer was introduced in 1981. That computer was known as “Osborne 1” and it was built by Adam Osborne. Over time the “Osborne 1” turned into a more sleek version, became more lightweight and contained faster processors, this version became known as the “laptop”. Another invention that gained just as much attraction as computers were mobile phones. In April 1973, Martin Cooper, a American engineer, constructed the first mobile phone and made the first phone call with it. But now in modern age it’s referred as smartphones and basically it’s like having a small computer right beside you. Smart phones are smaller but are capable of holding in much more information and almost everyone has one in their possession. In the video the author states ,”devices and gadgets that we use today were radically different back when they were first invented, introduced, or popularized years or decades ago”.  The author’s point is to inform the audience of the changes of technology and to look back at the past to understand how these inventions first came to be. I agree with the author and the main point being discussed, I can also relate because I also depend on these devices as well for support. My smartphone assists me in being on top of my responsibilities and I also own a laptop that I utilize for all my school work related tasks. If I could ask the author a question I would say, “which invention would you say had the most influential impact on the development of the world in the last 50 years?”. The author’s decision with opting to go with an information video was a smart move and the video contained many information to back up its claim and to further express its credibility. Furthermore this document has shown me that the past is there to look back on our mistakes and to improve those mistakes for the future.