Tara García Mathewson, The Hechinger Report, “When students choose, they learn better. How can schools deliver?” January 2019 from The Christian Science Monitor 

Going throughout the article it gives the idea of students being able to choose what they learn and how this way is beneficial for their education. This method for students is more easier to handle and explains how it increases student engagement, and offer students a better education. Students will be more in favor of what they are learning if they get to make the decisions. The reflection on this is being for the opportunity for students to change the education system and have more schools allow them to choose what they want to learn. Which in my opinion is a great idea because not everybody has the same knowledge in things as well as the same preferences, to balance this is to choose based on what interests them the most and what they feel will open new opportunities for them. Yeah you will still learn about all required subjects, just make sure students are getting a bigger portion of what they excelled at the most or what they enjoy.  I can analyze in the article the author’s use of expository writing which she is just giving nothing else but information, no signs of what the author sides whatsoever. According to the source it states “Reed Marshall believes that is a grave missed opportunity. Giving students a say in each of these three areas is critical, she says. With the autonomy to make choices, students are more engaged, and when that’s the case, they learn better”. This piece of evidence says that Mathewson uses no opinion of hers and gives well information being highly expository in her writing. The author’s purpose of writing is to inform people about the thought of letting students choosing how they want to learn followed by different people’s point of views about personalized learning whether it was good or bad. The author chose this genre which is a nonfiction document to better inform the audience on personalized learning to get a better understanding of how people really feel about it as she states in her article. Being that you can read about real people’s reviews, it will make research on this topic more thought out on how to feel about it yourself. The genre she used was a good choice for the audience because it was best to use real evidence  for something that is arguably a great change for students and their education, and for it to be deeply informed based on words from students and teachers makes it more clear to give ideas on how other people should pick a side on how to feel about it. This source is very helpful in giving information for the opportunity to allow students to choose what they want to learn before reaching higher education.