A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

“Research Starts with a Thesis Statement” from Bad Ideas about Writing

When I was a child, I have always dreamed of being a dentist. Unfortunately, my parents did not work in the medical field. However, my godfather is a dentist, and he inspired me to also become one. When I played with other children, I always played the dentist and bragged about my godfather being one. After my first serious visit to the dentistry office, I understood that to play a dentist and to be one in real life are two different things. Usually, children do not like dentist visits and are afraid of them, but I was different, and actually liked it. I liked watching doctors work. When the time came to decide on my future profession, I said to my parents that I wanted to be a dentist, but it was not possible because it was too expensive for them to afford paying for. Even though I got a different profession, I continued to dream of being a dentist. One day, my godfather invited me to work in his dental clinic as an engineer, and I agreed. During my work in the clinic, I always tried to find free time, see how my godfather and other dentists worked, and to ask them various questions about their work. Sometimes, I could spend a lot of time watching and learning something new, especially about the materials they used.  My observations and short interesting lectures that I got from my godfather and other dentists allowed me to digest a lot of important information relevant to the field. Occasionally, when my godfather’s dental assistant was not at his side, he called on me, so I could help him. Of course, it was not a very serious thing, but it made me happy that I helped him. Being in that environment occasionally made me sad because I was not one of them. All the methods that I learned and remembered when I worked in the dental clinic still help me today. In the USA, I had an incident when I went to the dentist, and unfortunately, she was not a good specialist because I saw that she did not fix my problem correctly, and I corrected her, which made her angry and surprised. I explained to her that I know some details of the profession, and I would be pleased if she did it correctly, and after that, I did not revisit the same doctor. I am still thinking about becoming a dentist, and I had never changed my mind. To be a good dentist means to give beautiful smile, confidence in themselves successful in their career, and simple happiness in life. Regarding the educational system, I can say that I do not want to judge the system because I am not a professional in this field.  One thing that I can say is that I disagree with the price that we need to pay for education because it is so high. Many people like me cannot achieve their dreams because of the prohibitive price tag. I hope that in the near future, education would become a bit more affordable. I just wish that everyone keep striving, so that their dreams may one day come true! 


  1. Mahmudur Rafei

    I had the same interest too! You’re right, unfortunately nowadays high level professions cost alot of money, I feel that the education system should focus more on the skillset and intelligence of an individual rather than the amount of money they pay to obtain high level education.

  2. Mahmudur Rafei

    I had the same interest too! You’re right, unfortunately nowadays high level professions cost alot of money, I feel that the education system should focus more on the skillset and intelligence of an individual rather than the amount of money they pay to obtain high level education.

  3. Mahmudur Rafei

    I had the same interest too! You’re right, unfortunately nowadays high level professions cost alot of money, I feel that the education system should focus more on the skillset and intelligence of an individual rather than the amount of money they pay to obtain high level education.

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