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“Cows”. Lynda Barry exercise

This one evening on a cool summer night, I was about 15 years old watching a documentary on my room floor the lights out and my focus was my I pad.I originally planned on watching the documentary out loud but my mother being in the kitchen cooking she usually kept her phone company recalling the people on her phone log.I was watching this one documentary about education, girls education in Africa.This one part of the documentary there was this family from Sudan an east African country, and the focus was the daughter of the famly.The daughter of this family was the only daughter in this documentary she had about three brothers.In this section of the documentary the girls father in talking in tongue while sub titles are written on the bottom of the screen.What I was able to grab from that was a frustrated father, a father who is frustrated because he’s running low on cattle and his only daughter who has the ability to get her father cattle through marriage decides to focus on school.At the time I was well aware of what was going on. In a lot of African cultures dowry is a huge part in marriage a lot of the dowry is made before the spouses even meet one another.The dowry can range from many things some as little as a few bags of rice to the spouse family, to as grand as a house for your spouses family.In this situation it was cattle, about 10-30 cows in exchange for the daughter hand in marriage.Sitting in the middle of middle of the room In the dark so much rage was built inside of me if I had the ability to glow I would have been piping red.Seeing that a father cared more about cows then his daughters education.Out of anger i was close to closing out the documentary and calling it a night until one of the daughters teachers came to her home to try to convince her father that education was more important then some cows.The father was able to be convinced and the one thing that stood out to me in the whole documentary was when the girl said “educated girls can buy their own cows”.The one quote that stood out to me being an African girl.


“Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott


 “The fantasy of the uninitiated.”


Lamott explains ,how people’s perspective on how a writers work is completely different from the way they really work.


“sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident. Not one of them writes elegant first drafts.”


She want to explain to us that writers sometimes have horrible starts to their first drafts. They also have a hard times to get their thoughts going and writing their ideas down.


“Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts, but you need to start somewhere.”


She tells us that when writing about something it involves thoughts. Thought is probably a very good factor due to the fact when you’re done writing you may scratch off whatever that you are feeling that doesn’t belong there and also you get to best your writing to your second and third drafts without the stressful studying that everyone go through that terrible first draft.


“shitty first draft.”


She is explaining that the first is going to be bad, but it will led to a better out come for your second and third draft.

Shitty First Drafts DEJ


Now, practically even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of shitty first drafts. All good writers write them. This is how they end up with good second drafts and terrific third drafts


Drafts are all very crucial to writing a good Final piece. You need to start somewhere and put all your ideas down and get your thoughts out. A lot of people don’t write drafts and that leads into their writing to be not as good as it could be. Drafts help you add more and do more too.


it’s not like you don’t have a choice, because you do — you can either type, or kill yourself.


This quote is saying that like the writer has one purpose to fulfill and that’s to write his pieces or to not do anything and its his choice. He doesn’t actually mean he will kill himself but it sorta means that he would have no other purpose if he isn’t writing.


You just let this childlike part of you channel whatever voices and visions come through and onto the page.


I agree with this because you can literally write anything on the first draft and make up anything as long as you make sense to yourself because nobody will see it.


For me and most of the other writers I know, writing is not rapturous. In fact, the only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts


He is basically saying that writing really bad first drafts are the key to writing really good final drafts.

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